Page 90 of Savage Justice

He nods. “Two.”

“How old are they?”

“I’m nae sure. Five, or six perhaps.”

“What was her last name?”


Mulligan has become decidedly more cooperative now.

“Where did she live?”

“She ’ad a flat. I’ the city centre, Queensgate, I think.”

“Okay. And what had she done to deserve what you did to her?”

“I didnae. I—”

“You’re pissing me off with your fucking lies. You know what happens if you lie to me. Do you really want to go down that route again?”

Mulligan sees the wisdom in honesty. “She were allus… allus moanin’. Complainin’, wantin’ a bigger cut. But I ’ave expenses. Over’eads…”

“She had two kids,” Tony points out. “They cost money, too.”

“All the lassies took a drop i’ wages. Times are ’ard, fer all of us, but Elsie wouldnae shut up.”

“Did you take a drop, too?” Ethan wonders.

“What? Nay, but it’s business. Ellison wanted more fer the rooms, so…”

“You could have put your prices up.”

“That’s what she said, Elsie. I told her, punters willnae pay more. She thought… thought she could tell me what tae do.”

“So, you murdered her over money?”

“She were greedy an’ stirring up the others. I warned ’er, I said—”

Ethan’s heard enough of his whining. We all have.

“Shut the fuck up, you streak of shite. What about Agnes Ellison?”


“You killed her, too. Why?”

“It were business, just business. She wanted more an’ all. I’d’ve ’ad nae profits left if it were up tae them. Ye’re a businessman, ye’ll understand.”

“I understand Agnes was a valued employee of mine and losing her is bad for my business. You owe me for that, Mulligan.”

His eyes take on a sudden spark, as though he can at last see a way out of this.

“I can pay. I’ll pay ye. What were she worth? Fifty? A hundred?”

Ethan shakes his head. “I don’t think you can afford to pay me what Mrs Ellison was worth.”

“Two hundred? Five? A grand?”