Page 52 of Savage Justice

One aristocratic eyebrow lifts. “Because I have asked it of you?”

“Do I owe you a favour?”

“You do not. But I will be in your debt if you agree to my request.”

His choice of words is significant. A request rather than a demand, and he is clearly prepared to offer something in exchange.

“Or I could simply pay you for him. Would twenty thousand euros be sufficient?”

It’s a generous offer, but we don’t need the cash.

Ethan points that out. “May I enquire what is the nature of your business in the UK? Do you intend to remain here for long?”

He ignores the first part of the question and is evasive with regard to the second. “I am not yet certain if my personal presence will be necessary for an extended length of time. I may be required to return to Warsaw at short notice.”

“Ah, yes. I heard that your father is unwell.”

“Indeed. Another reason why I would like to conclude this matter with all haste. Do we have an agreement, Mr Savage?”

“How can we be sure that there will be no further attempts to abduct Ms Lowe’s little boy? Or attacks on her personally?”

“I understand your caution in this matter. It is my intention to send Borys to my estate in Warsaw. Indefinitely. He and my sister can… settle their differences there, and he will not be in a position to cause you any further problems.”

“I have your word that this issue is resolved?” Ethan presses him. “He’ll be shipped off to Poland and he’ll stay there?”

“Exactly.” Kristian extends his hand once more. “We are in agreement, then?”

Ethan accepts his handshake. “Out of respect for your father, we are. I’ll be in touch when it’s time to return the favour.”

“I look forward to that, Mr Savage.”

Ethan nods to Aaron, who produces his phone. He texts Tony.

We all watch from the bridge as Tony walks around to the rear of our SUV, opens the boot, and drags Borys out. The man collapses to the ground, so Tony hauls him onto his feet again and half carries him in the direction of the bridge. He halts about twenty paces away and lets Borys drop onto the damp grass.

“He’s all yours,” Ethan announces. “It was nice doing business with you, Mr Kaminski.”

He and Aaron stride off towards the Audi, and Jack and I make our way back to the SUV, passing the slumped form of Borys Glodowski as we go. By the time we get back in our vehicle, Ethan and Aaron have gone, and two of Kaminski’s men are escorting Borys to the Discovery, his arms draped across each of their shoulders.

“Can we trust him?” I breathe.

“We’ll see,” is Jack’s response. “It’s obvious Ethan wants the alliance.”

“Hardly an alliance. He owes us a favour now, that’s all.”

“It’s a start. Okay, we’re done here. Let’s get back to Glasgow.”



“What did you know about Borys’s family?” Nico asks me. “Specifically, his brother-in-law?”

I roll over and nestle under his arm, my naked body pressed up close to his. My fingers graze his taut, flat nipple.

“Not a damn thing,” I reply. “I only just found out he was married, and I dumped him straight away as soon as I knew. I know nothing at all about his wife’s family. Why would I? And do we have to talk about him?”

“I suppose not. In any case, you don’t need to worry about him or his in-laws. He’s out of your hair now.”