No one, apparently, wants to argue with the leader.
“Right, then. Casey, you need to make the payment happen. Get them locked in, find out who the fuck they are, and start telling them how it’s going to be.”
“I was hoping to find for Jack.” I pause in the open doorway of the main office on the first floor of the castle. Ethan is seated at the desk, his desk, I assume. His recovery continues apace. I can’t help but marvel at the stamina of the man. Or maybe it’s sheer bloody-minded determination.
His empire is under threat. He steps up.
“Sorry to disturb you.” I nod to him, ready to move on since Jack Morgan is clearly not here.
“Why?” he asks.
“Why what?”
“Why are you looking for Jack? Can I help?”
“Needed to check what sort of explosives we’re using to blow the jetty if it comes to that. I’m setting the detonators.”
“Ah, yes. You’re the expert on blowing things up.”
“Well, more specifically, not blowing things up. I specialised in bomb disposal in Afghanistan. Roadside devices, mainly.”
“Dangerous work. Was it good training for becoming a covert assassin?”
I shrug. “Some transferable skills, I suppose.”
“Like what?” He settles back in his leather chair, clearly ready to listen.
“Focus,” I begin. “Attention to detail. Timing. Good instincts.”
“I can see why Jack was inclined to make use of your skills.”
“There was mutual benefit.”
His lip quirks. “Glad to be of service to the US Government. What’s the plan for after?”
“Once this threat is neutralised. Does the US military have other targets lined up for you?” He props his elbows on the desk. “Can I risk turning my back on you, Gabriel? That was the mistake Fedor Morozov made, was it not?”
“I have no quarrel with you, Mr Savage, and as far as I know, neither does the US Government.”
“Bollocks. I trade over there. Jed, too, even more than me. How do I know your ‘cleansing’ operation won’t extend to us?”
“You’re not in the flesh trade. Quite the opposite, from what I’ve seen.”
“Is that it?”
“It is, for me. I’m not on a crusade to rid the world of organised crime, but there’s a line…”
“Human trafficking?”
I nod slowly. “That’s right.”
He steeples his fingers, his elbows on the desk. “So, what’s the story with you and my doctor?”
I roll with the sudden change of subject.
“What about me and your doctor?”