Ethan is exasperated. “For fuck’s sake. Jack, help him out.”
Jack Morgan gets to his feet and moves to stand beside Freddie. “It seems our whiz-kid here has discovered an assassination plot. Someone, we’ve yet to determine who exactly, is in the process of taking out a contract on Ethan.”
There’s a chorus of outrage, soon quelled by a disapproving glower from their leader.
“We’ve work to do. First things first, we can’t be sure of the target for the attack. Here, or at Caernbro Ghyll. Possibly both. Consequently, I want all non-combatants on both sites evacuated.”
“We want to stay. All of us.” This from Beth, who reached for Aaron’s hand.
Ethan is having none of it. “This is likely to be vicious. We need our children well away from any fighting. We can’t defend our home and worry about all of you. The evacuation is non-negotiable.”
“I understand, but—”
Aaron’s hand on her shoulder quells any further response. “Please, sweetheart. Do this.”
Cristina adds her voice to the discussion. “My husband is right. The children and staff must be protected. I will organise the evacuation. We can use The Lydia, and I will call my brother. We can go to Moldova.”
Ethan nods. “Excellent plan. It would be good to move the yacht out of these waters in any case. It would be a target and repairs would cost a fortune.”
“Are there any women from the trafficking rescue still at Caernbro Ghyll?” Cristina enquires.
“Three,” Jack replies. “Ruth’s working on it.”
“They need to be included,” Cristina asserts. “I’ll talk to them.”
“Trafficking rescue?” Ethan glares at his second-in-command. “So, I’m running a women’s refuge now?”
Jack shrugs. “It’s temporary. How soon can The Lydia be ready to sail?”
A grizzled-looking individual at the other end of the table stands. “Within the day, sir. If you’ll excuse me, I’ll get on with the preparations and plot a route.”
“Who’s that?” I murmur to Megan. I haven’t seen this old guy before.
“His name’s Isaac. He’s the skipper for The Lydia.”
“Ah. Right.”
Ethan is still digesting the news of his latest philanthropic gesture. He nods at the old man, and Isaac shuffles off to go about whatever needs doing. Cristina gives Beth a nudge and excuses herself, too.
“Roisin needs to go, but I’ll be staying,” Casey announces. “Jed?” She turns to her husband. “This isn’t your fight. I’ll understand if—”
“Fuck that. I’m staying, too.” He addresses his next remark to Ethan and Jack. “How many of my soldiers do you need? I can have men here within the day.”
Jack responds. “It’s appreciated. The island is easy to defend with just a few of us, but we could do with reinforcements at Caernbro Ghyll. As many as you can spare.”
“It’s done.” He’s already on his phone, tapping out instructions.
“What can I do?” Casey wants to know.
Ethan’s eyes narrow. “Is it possible to identify the purchaser and the contractor from the information on the dark web?”
Freddie shakes his head. “It’s all totally secure. That’s the point of it.”
Casey has other ideas. “Nothing online is foolproof. Given time, and skill, there’s always a way to burrow in.”
That’s good enough for Ethan. “Right. Do it then. Freddie, you can help her. Or failing that, just watch and learn.”
Casey is on her feet. She jerks her chin at the lad. “Are you coming?”