“Pretty much, yes.”
“That’s good enough. So, now all we need is a strategy for taking him down.”
“We’re at war, then?” Tony asks.
“We were at war the moment that missile hit our chopper. We just didn’t know who with. Now, we do.” He turns his attention to Casey again “Do we know where Jerome Archer is? Where does he live?”
“He has a place in Hertfordshire. That’s where we lived when I was little, but he spends most of his time in the city. Or he used to. Not sure where. He was always surrounded by bodyguards, so it would be hard to get to him.”
“He can’t hide forever. He’s our ultimate target, him and his entire fucking operation. But, first things first. Do you know where the missile launcher is now?”
“Can’t be certain without actual reconnaissance, but most of his commercial property consists of betting shops and bars, so those don’t seem likely as weapons dumps. Jerome also has a scrapyard in south London and a warehouse in the Docklands. Either of those could be a contender.”
Jack leans back in his seat at the head of the table. “Okay. Ideas everyone?”
It’s a free-for-all.
“We hit them hard and fast.”
“Put them out of business.”
“Take out their soldiers wherever they are.”
“A digital attack on their assets.”
The suggestions come thick and fast from all sides of the table. Only when the din dies down does Jack speak again.
“So, here’s the plan.” He waits for silence before continuing. “First, we neutralise those potential weapons dumps. I need both the scrapyard and the warehouse burnt to the ground along with anything and anyone inside. Tony, Aaron, you’ll take a team and sort that. Casey can give you the coordinates.”
“Sure, boss.”
Jack goes on. “The betting shops come next. Attack those outside business hours to avoid civilian casualties, but I want them all closed down. Rome, Gabe, that’s your task. The bars need to find themselves on the wrong side of the environmental health brigade. Rats in the kitchens, dodgy electrics, that sort of thing. Who do we know who can make that happen?”
“I have a contact in the London Mayor’s office,” Jed chips in. “Leave it with me.”
“Thanks. I’ll make cash available for bribes. Whatever’s needed. We have over a hundred soldiers already on the mainland. I’ll arrange for them to be where you need them. By the time we’ve finished, Archer will be frantic. And out of business. It’ll smoke him out, and as soon as he breaks cover, we hit him personally. A bullet in the skull should do it.”
“And financially,” Casey suggests. “Now that I’m in his accounts I can start shifting funds about, putting his money out of reach or giving it away. There are plenty of charities that wouldn’t mind a slice.”
“Do it,” Jack growls.
Casey isn’t finished. “And I can launch a cyberattack on his systems and records. That would cripple him a lot faster than incendiary bombs.”
“The fires are a statement. But I like your approach, too. Get on with it. And I need every ear to the ground for information about Archer’s whereabouts. As soon as he pokes his head out, I want to know about it. Better still, blow it off.” He pauses, looks around the assembled team. “Any questions?”
There’s silence. People begin to get to their feet. We all halt when one female voice pipes up.
“I have a question.”
It’s Beth who speaks. Aaron’s partner. She was seated at the end of the table between Cristina and Ruth, Jack’s wife. She glances around, looking nervous.
“Okay. What do you want to know?” Jack asks.
“Well, this is not my area of expertise, obviously…”
“Obviously. Even so?”
“It may be a silly question, but it’s been bugging me.”