It’s as if he hears my thoughts. “This is between us, honey. Our choice, our decision. Live in the past or choose a different future. I know which I prefer.”
I let my mouth curl into a half-smile. “Me, too,” I whisper. “But—”
His finger is across my lips. “No buts. It’s decided.”
I open my mouth to agree, or maybe argue some more, but the moment is wrecked by the trilling of Gabriel’s phone. He winks at me and bends to retrieve if from the pocket of his jeans which are still strewn on the floor next to my clothes.
“It’s Jack,” he murmurs.
I sigh. “He’s probably found the body by now.”
“Yeah. Most likely.” He captures my gaze before hitting ‘reply’. “I won’t mention the morphine.”
“He’s sure to suspect. He’s no fool. I can’t ask you to lie for me.”
“You didn’t ask me, honey.”
“All the same…”
“Suspecting isn’t the same as knowing. The guy was on his way out anyway.”
“He’ll know when I tell him,” I reply.
Gabriel shakes his head. “Honey, he won’t take it well. His direct instructions were—”
“No pain relief. I know. You said.”
“It was my call. My clinical judgement, and I stand by it. I did the right thing.”
“Jack Morgan won’t agree.” Gabriel lets the call ring out without answering. “I’ll tell him I didn’t pass on the message about no pain relief.”
I get to my feet and grab my clothes. “You’ll do no such thing! He’s probably seen the bandages by now, so he knows I was there. Jack will see sense because I’ll explain it to him. Without medical intervention, Gregory Mitchell would have died within minutes anyway from shock and blood loss. It was a delicate balance…”
“There’ll be nothing remotely delicate about Jack’s reaction once he realises you wrecked his chance of getting more information out of that poor fuck. Megan, I really think—”
“It’s decided. Are you coming?” I’ve dragged on my clothes while we’ve been debating this and I’m ready to go and face the music.
“Wait while I get my pants on. You might like to lose the just-fucked look, too.”
“What do you mean?”
“Your hair. And your blouse is inside out.”
“Oh, shit.” I run a brush through my unruly mane then tie it back before righting my top.
We leave my cottage together.
Gabe calls Jack back as we march towards the castle. “Yeah, I was taking a leak…” There’s a pause, then, “I see, well, he was pretty far gone. Yes, she patched him up a bit… I thought he was alive when we left but I couldn’t be certain…”
He meets my gaze with a frown.
“Not sure. Yes, if I see her, I’ll pass the message on. See you in five.” He ends the call. “Jack’s convening everyone in the hall. He wants you there as well.”
My phone vibrates in my pocket before he finishes talking. I check the screen. It’s a text from Jack.
Great Hall. Now.