I have a feeling Durian’s dungeon was far more dismal.
He was prying. I needed to feign trust, mimic openness, while revealing nothing of value.
True, being Durian’s slave was unbearable. It would’ve killed me. But even still. I can’t stop thinking about everything we talked about. Ravenia sounded like a dream, and I understand now what you meant about what the mainland calls “island madness.” You’re different from these vampires. They’re running this place into the ground, and I want out.
Rune sighed, watching my face carefully, as if he wasn’t sure whether to be impressed or terrified.
I’m sorry, Scarlett. My hands were tied when you were here. Do not think I didn’t recognize your suffering, or the suffering of the other poor mortals. These vampires?—
Kole stopped writing, as if debating whether to continue his thought. I focused my power on the notebook, imagining Kole on the other side of its magickally linked pages. Rosalind had confirmed that our magick still held over long distances, so long as the marks were still under our spell. Distance could even strengthen our influence when played correctly.
Still, it wasn’t the same as being close. I couldn’t use my body language or my beauty. I only had my words, my lofty promises, and his hazy memories. Fortunately, abstract fantasy and untethered potential were often infinitely more seductive than reality itself.
—are mad, Scarlett. They’re bloody mad. I fear the current state of affairs in Valentin is worse than we ever could’ve imagined.
“It’s playing out,” I whispered.
“Don’t get ahead of yourself,” Sadie said tersely, earning a look from Rune. “Find out more before you jump to conclusions.”
I fear the same. Kole, I hope I didn’t get you or Brennan in trouble. He’s one of the better ones. I can tell you respect him, and I defer to your judgment. I know that you have true wisdom when it comes to matters of power and leadership.
I made a face, annoyed that I had to pretend to base my thoughts off Kole’s. As if I hadn’t orchestrated Brennan’s rise myself.
“Leave ego out of it,” Sadie reminded me. “You don’t need recognition from these idiots. You need them to bend to your will by any means necessary.”
Rune offered a hum of approval.
I’m afraid Brennan suffered more consequences than I did, my dear.
I grinned triumphantly, earning a pointed stare from both doms as they watched me.
“What? I can’t celebrate my foresight?” Everything was going exactly according to plan, each person behaving as I knew they would.
“Focus, Little Flame,” Rune snapped.
I slowly turned to Sadie, giggling at the way my stomach fluttered, getting double the attention from frightening, ancient beings who bled dark power.
Rune’s shadows coiled around my neck, his glare downright menacing as he exchanged a glance with his amused mentor.
I focused back on Kole’s writing.
But he will survive it. Don’t worry on his behalf. He made his own choices. Just as I made mine. Choices I regret… choices such as letting a woman like yourself be treated the way you were. Or letting a woman like you go.
I sighed. Too easy. It was all far too easy.
Kole, I know how to make it all right again. I need you to be a good boy and put me into contact with Brennan. He’s going to arrange my reacquisition to get back into Durian’s good graces. From there, you will be able to negotiate taking me to Ravenia. You and I will make sure of it.
That had been Kole’s hope all along, that he could potentially convince Durian to gift me to him as a bribe.
Even if Kole enjoyed pretending he was under my sharp heel, in the end, he objectified me the same as every other man. The prospect of rescuing me from vampires he saw as inferior was too juicy of a fantasy for him to resist.
I gave Kole ten more minutes of me, artfully avoiding getting into specifics that would ruin the illusion I’d spun. The illusion that Kole was special, that Brennan was a pawn on our board. That neither Rune nor Durian had captured my affections, which meant that I saw something so much more grand and noble in Kole than I saw in Valentin’s most powerful vampires.
It all played into Kole’s unique seduction profile and insecurities perfectly.
I closed the book, leaving Kole begging for more, frustrated beyond belief. Which was his main kink, in the end. He would do my bidding without a second thought.
I smiled.