I thumbed over the leather binding, slowly unfastening it.

“Rune will never be comfortable with any of this,” Sadie said softly, releasing a long exhale. “Yet you must do it, anyway.”

I nodded, my heart clenching. I knew he was going to be worried sick. He was already terrified. And I knew I wasn’t nearly healed enough yet, still plagued by flashbacks and nightmares. It had only been a few weeks.

But I had to keep taking steps forward. I thought of Rosalind, and I lifted the pen.

The blank parchment paper asked me for the code in elegant script, and I ignored it. I began to write, and Sadie moved to stand next to me, reading over my shoulder.

Kole—it’s Scarlett. I don’t have much time. Gods, I hope this is the right journal. There were so many. I don’t know when or if you’ll ever see this message, but if you do, I wanted to tell you that I could write to you again at 9 p.m. tomorrow. I hope you can write me back, that we can talk properly. I miss you. I want to be back with you. I will be back with you as soon as possible.

“Good,” Sadie said. “If his heart still beats, his eyes will be glued to the pages tomorrow at nine sharp.” My words slowly disappeared into the page. She closed the book before I could. “It doesn’t matter if he’s checking his correspondences right now. You want him to sit with the barest of scraps until you write him next. He’s nothing but a puddle of denial under your boot.”

I took a steadying breath, letting out a nervous burst of laughter as I stood. “It’s strange to switch roles with Kole, yet it also feels more natural in this context. Because I am the one with all the power when I’m dealing with pathetic men. I do the most pretending when I’m playing the part of the innocent, subservient virgin who worships the ground men walk on.”

Sadie placed her hands on my shoulders, her cruel red lips tilted up. “I can see clearly why Rune has been captured by you, Scarlett. He’s always loved a challenge. And it would seem, so do you.” She opened her mouth to say more and then halted, slowly moving her gaze to the corner of the room. “You know that shadow glamour shit doesn’t work on me, pest.”

Rune materialized seemingly out of thin air, a wall of shadow dissipating into smoke around his imposing form. His eyes narrowed on Sadie’s hands on my shoulders.

“I do not recall saying you could touch my belongings when I agreed to allow you to mentor,” Rune snapped.

Sadie removed her touch, her fingers softly caressing my shoulders as she pulled back.

I shot a look of irritation toward Rune. “Your belongings?” I hissed.

He only smirked. “And you,” he said, amusement ripe in his eyes. “Don’t you dare let all this domme energy go to your head. You’re the one under my boot, Little Flame.”

Sadie regarded Rune with a raised brow and piercing gaze, a look that made me remember how long they’d been friends, just how much they’d experienced by each other’s side. I remembered that Sadie had technically topped Rune when she’d been eradicating him of bloodlust. It was strange to think of Rune in a position of servitude, but it made sense that Sadie had been the only person to manage such a feat.

Sadie chuckled, looking at the way my hands were on my hips, my spiteful mouth poised to strike.

She interjected. “You know what they say…”

Rune and I dragged our eyes away from each other to her.

“Doms are just brats with power,” Sadie finished with a grin.

Rune laughed and shook his head at Sadie. He grabbed me roughly, pulling me to his chest as he kissed the top of my head. I squealed, his shadows crawling all over me.

“And Rune was the biggest brat of my career.”



“You have to tell her,” Snow said, bursting into my private study with a nervous Uriah trailing her.

I set down the book I was reading, on revolutionary strategies and propaganda machines, before regarding the angry witch with a single raised brow.

“Before someone else does,” she finished.

“Is that a threat?”

She threw up her hands. “No, it’s not a threat.” She brushed her wispy blonde hair behind her ears. “Are you really going to let her get all the way to Durian’s palace before she finds out that he’s been slaughtering mortals in her name? Don’t you think that might make her vulnerable?”

I swallowed, every muscle tightening as my shadows trembled. “She’s not going back to that place any time soon.”

Snow searched my eyes, her anger melting an inch. “I know you’re trying to protect her. I don’t want her to go either.” Pain engulfed her features, her eyes glassy. “But Scarlett came to Aristelle after being told by everyone in her village that she would die instantly upon arrival. She came when she still believed she was human and powerless. She had no training, no magick that she was aware of. She came here blind, driven by unfathomable courage and loyalty to her hateful, abusive sister. And, by the gods, she accomplished what she set out to do.” Snow threw up her hands. “Isabella is safe. Scarlett is alive. I mean, who else but her could’ve managed that? Who else could’ve believed in their reality so blindly and boldly that fate herself couldn’t deny her?”