“You were never unclaimed,” Rune whispered, reading my thoughts as he straddled me and shoved my bound wrists over my head.

He freed my legs, giving me plenty of wiggle room now that he’d heard how Durian had fed from me on the demented altar. One day, I wanted to be able to do everything with Rune, but I knew I had to be gentle with myself and accept that some things were off the table for now.

“You have always been mine, and you always will be.” Rune kissed on either side of my mouth, and his hard cock pressed against my stomach. “And in return for an eternity of filling your tight little holes with shadow and cock, you’re going to fill my veins with your blood—the blood I haven’t gone a minute without thinking about since it first met my tongue.” He glared down at me. “Isn’t that right, baby?”

“Yes, Rune.”

“Tell me, how have your first sessions with Uriah gone?”

I stammered, confused by this sudden shift in topic as my thighs shifted closer together. A drip of moisture from Rune’s tip met my stomach, and I licked my bottom lip.

“I—I’m getting stronger every day. On my way to becoming a vampire-killing machine.”

Rune chuckled at this, glancing up at my bound wrists and then back down to my lips. “Don’t think that after I ruin your pretty pink pussy, you’re going to be allowed to skip tonight’s session.”

I swallowed, and Rune watched my throat bob.

“The new recruits haven’t quite learned that their eyes are at risk the longer they stare at you,” Rune murmured. “I think I’ll send you to the sparring field with cum dripping out of your perfect cunt and my scent and fang marks covering every inch of your skin.”

“Rune,” I gasped, and his lips captured mine before I could utter another syllable. His tongue claimed my mouth, and his cock throbbed.

He teased my entrance with the tip now, and gods, if I thought I’d been filled before…

There was no way in Lillian’s vast underworld that thing was fitting in my ass. Rune had better have been posturing earlier. Knowing him, I feared that was not the case.

I only had time to worry about the hole at hand as he began to stretch me. He raised up and covered my mouth.

“Scream into my hand, baby, you know how hard I get listening to your cries.”

I didn’t have much of a choice when Rune thrusted violently, his groan swallowed up by my muffled scream.

“Good girl. I knew you still remembered how to follow directions,” he said condescendingly, sadistically laughing as my eyes rolled back and I cried out against his palm.

I was impossibly full, and Rune was unrelenting, barely giving me a chance to acclimate. His desire was suffocating, as if a dam had broken irreversibly, and I lay victim to wave after wave of his pent-up aggression and lust.

He squeezed the sides of my throat, and I well and truly saw stars. The moment I thought I was reaching a limit, Rune let go and sunk his teeth into my sensitive neck.

I came. Hard.

Orgasming apparently made my addictive blood only that much more delicious. And that fact compounded my instinctive terror, which also made my blood tastier.

The way Rune’s cock swelled as he violently drove into me, impossibly deep, gave further credence to these truths.

As soon as I wondered if I was in danger, Rune’s venom entered my bloodstream. I sighed, my eyes fluttering.

And yet again, it was nothing like when Durian or Brennan had fed from me. Because I fucking wanted this. Waves of pleasure swept over me and grabbed ahold of my fading orgasm, bringing it back and extending it for what could’ve been hours.

Rune’s fingers entered my mouth as if to pacify me, and I sucked on them to keep from screaming again. My voice was going to be gone tomorrow, guaranteed.

I was delirious by the time he’d clotted that bite and moved onto the next, leaving a trail across my neck and down to my breasts. His tongue flicked over a hardened nipple, sucking soothingly at first, letting me ride these melting, everlasting waves and giving me a brief reprieve from his cock.

Then he bit down, his fangs piercing the sensitive skin above my nipple. His fingers were back in my mouth, giving us both something to suck on.

I moaned against his fingers. I didn’t know where I began and Rune ended, feeding off each other as my threads of magick wrapped around him and his shadows twisted around me. We were forever bound. I knew in my bones that not even the gods could rid us of each other.