Durian was staring back, a dribble of spit pouring from the corner of his mouth as if his lips were partially paralyzed. He was in a similar predicament as Rune, without the spiked collar. Still shackled to the wall in a catatonic heap, his blood dripping down to the floor.
“How does it feel to be unable to move and fight, Durian?” I asked, using my anger to distract from seeing Rune in pain. I emphasized Durian’s name, my refusal to call him Master or any other undeserved honorific.
Brennan watched me with a hooded gaze, high off power and delayed gratification.
“I had always wondered—all those times you had me bound to that demented altar—how satisfying it would be to finally see you shackled and immobile.” I stepped toward Durian, cocking my head as if considering my own question. “I’d say it’s exceeded my expectations.”
Brennan had little interest in my moment of vengeance and catharsis, already pawing at me, his warm lips on my collarbone.
Durian’s eyes went wild, his muscles trembling. “You vile?—”
I cut him off. “Whore? Slut? Cunt? Bitch?” My fists clenched, irritated by Brennan ruining my moment with his unwanted advances. I rolled my eyes. “Boring.”
“Mm,” Brennan groaned. “Keep insulting him while I fuck you, my love.”
Brennan cupped my breasts in a way that had me as dry as a desert wasteland.
In a flash of movement, my skirt was on the floor.
My eyes blew wide. Durian had a similar reaction, in direct view of the pretty black belt and dagger on each outer thigh.
Brennan stiffened. I held my breath. Durian laughed.
Rune remained silent.
“Scarlett, dear?” Brennan asked, slowly spinning me to face him instead of Durian. I caught a glimpse of Rune behind him, staring at me fiercely, his tattoos straining against their magickal bondage.
Brennan’s gaze raked over my form, homing in on my weapons. “I thought I’d felt something, before…”
For the first time, I sensed a strange quivering in the threads connecting me to Brennan. As if my glamour was slipping.
I smiled, remembering everything Rosalind had taught me. I had to stay calm.
“You think I’d come to this place unarmed?” I asked, counteracting my heightened dangerousness with big, innocent eyes and a slight smile. “The palace was in chaos earlier today, so I came back to court prepared for anything.”
I placed both my hands on Brennan’s chest. I wasn’t fast enough to stab a vampire if his guard was up. I’d learned that lesson by now. I kept my hands far away from my weapons, making him think that the thought of harming him was far from my mind.
“Where were you, during the hearing?” Brennan asked. “I was distracted, after you collapsed, and the fight broke out.”
“The succubus and the male submissive dragged her away,” Durian hissed.
Rune’s gaze was so intense now that it was hard not to meet his dark eyes. He was as still as a statue, as if holding his breath.
I nodded, hoping I hadn’t let any of my mounting panic slip into my features. “Yes, Kole and Rosalind took me back to my room and brought me food. Then they left me alone, at my request. So I could arm myself in secret. Evangeline seemed like she had it out for me, after all.”
Brennan’s grip on my waist was firm. I trailed a finger across his chest, pretending to be utterly oblivious to the knock against my image as an innocent, helpless human.
“You were with Kole,” he said, looking away from me as his forehead creased. “Do you know why he left?”
I frowned. “He kept saying something about island madness, but I was pretty out of it and weak. Considering I’d only just regained consciousness and had been starved nearly to death for days.”
I let Brennan connect the dots on his own. I needed to get him to stop thinking—to go back to his haze of lust. Rune’s eyes burned with rage in my periphery.
“Evangeline said Liza touched you, when you emerged from the tunnels,” Brennan said, an accusation he hid behind a casual tone.
“Um, I don’t know,” I said. “They did have me cornered. I only remember Evangeline touching me.” I shuddered as I allowed that memory to resurface.
Brennan’s eyes finally softened.