But that wasn’t true. I was more myself than I’d ever been before, and shockingly, I actually liked the woman I was becoming. I was rooting for her.
I’d spent the afternoon with Snow, Penn, Eli, Winnifred, and Tera. Out of fear, I’d been avoiding them since I’d been rescued. But I knew it was time to let go and trust instead. It turned out, everyone else liked who I was becoming too. I’d only cried a little when I’d melted in Penn’s arms and felt her motherly warmth wash over me.
The rest of the day, I was able to acknowledge what had happened without sharing too many details or hiding from my friends’ empathy. Then I got to enjoy their company like I used to, pretending we didn’t have a dozen guards watching us from a distance at all times.
On the way back, Snow looked over at me and grinned. “When we were in the coffee shop, Eli turned to me and whispered that you’d changed. He said you were bolder, brighter. Succubus or not, he said you were powerful and compelling on your own merit. You were more alive.”
“Was I still as funny as before? That’s what I care about most.”
“Your wit was sharper than ever,” Snow said with a roll of her eyes.
I smiled at her. “Thanks, Snow. I’m glad I saw them, and that everyone’s staying safe.”
Snow frowned, and I sensed the unmistakable flare of desire to say something important. But she didn’t act on it, and I didn’t force her to.
Back at the castle, I made my way up the grand staircase. When a voice stopped me, just before I entered Rune’s chambers, I nearly jumped out of skin.
“Scarlett,” Mason said, then mumbled, “Sorry.”
I turned to face her. She cleared her throat, glancing around the empty hall.
“I wanted to give you space at first,” she said. “But I believe it’s time I make my amends.”
Her deep brown skin was warm under the dim witch lights, her broad, muscular body as deadly and intimidating as ever. Nothing about her face indicated anything but ruthlessness and detachment save for the briefest flicker of discomfort in her dark irises.
“My highest priority, at any given moment, is to protect Rune and our clan,” she said, her voice dry and devoid of emotion. “I do not deviate from my duty to Valentin and my loyalty to the turned, but I am not infallible. On the surface, it looked bad. Your proximity, your nature, your origins.”
“I know,” I offered with a small smile. “It looked like a disaster.”
Mason’s lips quirked up, relief in her features. “You were important to Rune, the man I respect above all others and always will. I should’ve done my due diligence. I should’ve given you a chance, an opportunity to tell your own story. If there’s something I can do to make up for my part in your suffering, I hope you will let me know. I am at your service.”
I exhaled. “Mason, I have no room in my heart for useless resentments. I forgive you. You can make it up to me by continuing to protect Rune. I don’t blame you for being wary of me during times like these. But I do blame you for never giving me the opportunity to prove you wrong. Believe me when I say that I, too, respect Rune more than I’ve ever respected any man before him.” I lowered my voice. “But don’t tell him that. His god complex hasn’t been nearly humbled enough by all of this.”
Mason snorted, offering as close to a smile as I was ever going to get from her. Then, she stiffened.
The voice at my back sent a shiver down my spine.
“What was that, Little Flame?”
I slowly turned to face Rune. His smile was downright sinister as he leaned against the wall, watching me closely.
“Do repeat yourself.”
The tone of his voice had the hairs on the back of my neck standing in high alert. Muscles low in my stomach tightened, and my cheeks flushed.
Mason couldn’t have made a faster exit. I blinked, and she was gone.
Rune grabbed me like I weighed nothing, swinging open the door to his chambers, shutting it, and shoving me up against the other side in a quick burst of movement. He gently caressed my cheek as I panted, lust burning beneath my skin.
We’d been toeing closer and closer to an explosion the last couple days, but we’d both been too busy to find much time to be alone. And Rune refused to let me skip sleep right now.
His desire tasted better than any I’d ever consumed before. Now that I understood I was a succubus, it was easier to feel these beautiful threads connecting his soul to mine—the way he bled for me just as I did for him. His desire was rich and golden, starlight against the deepest darkness of space. I pulled it into my veins, dipped into it like steamy hot springs.
He pinned my arms up above my head with his shadows, searching my eyes until I gave him a small nod of approval. I no longer grew irritated by his consent check-ins. I let them melt into our play effortlessly, an extension of Rune’s protective dominance that made me desperate for him as much as his wickedness.
“You think your God needs humbling, Scarlett darling?”
I stared up at him innocently, batting my eyelashes as my lips curved. He inhaled roughly, his lips skating over my earlobe as I shuddered. He kissed my jaw, then next to my mouth, finally landing on my lips where he tugged at the bottom one with his teeth. At the brush of his fangs, my core grew molten, screaming for his touch.