He groaned as he kissed her, his lips wanting to take, wanting to consume.
The soft scampering of feet and a giggle had him lifting his head. Emma wrapped her arms around his leg, looking up at him with a smile, as if she knew she was cockblocking him.
He released Hannah to reach down and grab her daughter in his arms, bouncing her up in the air as if he would toss her and making her squeal.
“Full of energy again?” he asked, his grin matching the little girl’s as he held her to him.
He looked toward the hallway, seeing Connor making his way to them more slowly. “Want to play a game?” he asked the boy. He watched him consider, then nod. Diego’s eyes moved back to Hannah. “Five-second head start, mami, and then we’re chasing after you.” His voice lowered. “I’m not through catching you yet.”
Her lips parted in surprise, that soft gasp of a laugh followed, and his heart swelled all over again.
Diego’s phone vibrated right as he was finishing up the dishes. Hannah always offered, since he was the better cook, but he enjoyed the way the kids curled up with her on the couch while they watched TV.
He wasn’t surprised to see Ramiro’s name, and dried his hands to answer it.
“Has Naz recovered from your ass chewing?” he asked.
Ramiro ignored his question. “What the fuck did you text me?”
Diego grinned, crossing to settle in front of his monitors. “I thought I was pretty clear.”
“You’re shitting me. She proposed?” Ramiro sounded as stunned as Diego had felt.
“Shocked the hell out of me, too,” Diego agreed.
Ramiro snorted. “I’d say you made her dick drunk, but I’m still blind from seeing exactly how not true that is.”
Diego laughed. “Stop thinking about my dick.”
Hannah’s eyes cut to him, then she frowned down at the kids, checking to make sure they hadn’t heard him.
Diego flushed. He’d been trying not to curse in front of them. Not that “dick” was a curse word, but—
“Are you even listening to me?” Ramiro sounded resigned in his ear.
“Sorry,” Diego said, watching Hannah’s face soften.
“You better not be making eyes at your future wife. Jesus fucking Christ, I can’t believe I just said that.” Ramiro groaned. “Fuck, Diego, you took that woman and her kids, and I’m complicit in that if I make these papers like you want.”
Diego lowered his voice. “You’re already complicit. You were there when I took her.”
“She was bleeding from her head,” Ramiro reminded him. “I—”
“We’ve done worse.” Diego’s eyes returned to his family on the couch. His family. “Besides, I offered her a choice. Multiple times.”
Ramiro was silent in his ear. “Diego, have you thought—” He broke off, clearing his throat. “Have you considered a break? If she has time apart, will she change her mind?” Ramiro asked the question even Diego wasn’t sure about.
Diego forced his eyes away from them and hunched over the desk. “They’re mine.” His nerves skittered as he said it. “Nothing’s going to change the fact that they’re mine.”
“Do you hear yourself?” Ramiro asked quietly.
“It’s a piece of paper, Ram. Easily ripped up if she comes to her senses.” His eyes shifted back to where Hannah snuggled up with the kids, acting like she didn’t have a concern in the world. “She’ll want the whole church thing. With a priest or a preacher or a pastor or whatever they’re called.” He turned away from his family to stare at the monitors. “She can still say no then. It’s just…” Diego hated that he didn’t really have a last name to give her, just the one Ramiro had made up for him. He had been born in a gutter and didn’t even have a birth certificate. It didn’t matter if the marriage certificate had to be forged. It didn’t matter that the name wasn’t really his. Anything was better than leaving her an Ashford.
And he’d figure out the whole church thing. He just didn’t have to tell her how. He doubted she’d be pleased with him threatening a priest or whatever they were called. Which religion did she even follow? He’d never seen them go to church or anything on Sundays.
Ramiro changed the subject. “The client confirmed. It took longer than they wanted, but they have what they need.”
“Because the prick was never home.” Diego’s eyes caught movement on his screen, and he snorted. “Except for now. Of course, he’s home. Just when—” He broke off at what he was seeing.