“You haven’t gone so deep like that in a long time,” Ramiro said. He hesitated.


“Both our pasts were pretty shitty. My old man didn’t try to kill me, but he was an asshole who beat on me.” He shrugged. “So this whole family thing you’ve got going on, I don’t know. I kind of hated it. Felt toxic as hell, you getting all possessive of them and forcing them to stay.”

A shiver ran through Diego. “I offered—”

Ramiro held up a hand. “Save it. You wanted to keep them. You wanted them all tied up with you. I still don’t get it, but…” He sighed. “They love you. All three of them.”

Just the idea of it lit him up from the inside. He tried to curb the feeling. “Don’t fuck with me.”

“You’re an asshole. I’m going to go stare at those damn cameras.” Ramiro stomped out of the room.

The thought of Hannah loving him had been toying with him all week. Every smile she shared with him shook him to his core.

That her children might feel for him even an ounce of what he felt for them took his breath away. His lungs seized, and it was too soon, too soon to remember drowning.

A hand slid along his clammy forehead. “Diego?”

He loved to hear Hannah say his name. The claws digging into him eased their grip. He turned his face into her hand, nuzzling it.

His eyes took in the room again. Hannah’s room.

“Shit, I’m in your bed.” His arms felt like noodles as he pushed himself upright. “I’ll—”

“Stay right here and rest,” Hannah said, her tone firm.

She lifted the covers, and fuck, he was naked. It didn’t seem to bother her as she crawled under the covers with him, curling into his side and circling his waist with her arm. Her head rested on his chest as if she was listening to his heartbeat.

“I’m sorry,” she said. “Today was my fault. I didn’t make sure the door latched.”

“Shit happens, Hannah.” Diego personally thought way more toxic shit happened than anything beautiful. “Though, when I wasn’t sure I’d gotten Emma out of the water, I thought it’d kill me.”

“But you did. You got her out. The way you are about water…” Her breath fluttered over his stomach. “You didn’t hesitate. You love her.”

His chest was on fucking fire. “Not only her,” he choked out. “Hannah—” He sucked the words back. It hadn’t been that long since he’d snapped her husband’s neck with the hands that pulled her closer. “It’s too soon. And I’m not—”

Her fingers stroked over the skin at his side, erasing the denials he hadn’t wanted to give.

“God reminded us today,” Hannah said softly. “We’re right where we’re supposed to be.”

Diego didn’t know about that, but he didn’t openly disagree with her.

If God existed, he had a sick sense of humor.

Here Diego had the woman he loved wrapped around his naked body, and he was too worn out and limp to do anything about it.

Her lips brushed over his chest in a soft kiss, and Diego fell asleep feeling perfectly content.

Chapter 25

Diego woke up with a massive erection, achingly close to coming all over Hannah’s limp hand. Holy fuck, he was about to cream himself. Her leg was curled over his thighs, and her hand had shifted down to rest over his pelvis. The silky skin of her thigh felt so fucking good against the length of his cock, which strained under her touch.

She was sleeping. He couldn’t touch her while she was sleeping. He couldn’t roll to the side and sink into her open pussy when she wasn’t awake to tell him he could.

Sweat beaded on his forehead as he considered shaking her awake.

He really was an asshole.