“What’s wrong?”
She shoved her hands into her pockets. “How is he?”
“And you?”
She turned to face me. I mirrored her.
“I’m going to tell you something you won’t like,” she said. “I don’t like it. No one should like it. Let’s go back inside.”
We went into my kitchen.
“Can I get you anything?” I asked.
She shook her head, pulling the ring from her pocket. “This ring belongs to the king. He entrusted it to my care before he retreated from public life. I don’t know why, nor did I ask any questions. When His Majesty makes a request like this, you do your best to serve him. You accept the honor of his trust.”
Man, this was gonna be some major bollocks. “So, he has the answers?”
“I tried reaching out to him just now, but couldn’t reach him.”
“He can make all this go away.”
But not Luke. He’s gotta stay.
“Somehow, Seth found out I had it several months ago,” she said. “Demanded I show it to him. Says there is something wrong with the ring, that His Majesty has many dangerous secrets.”
“Is there? Does he?”
It took her twenty seconds to answer. “After tonight, I think so.” She released a long, pained breath. “Gods forgive me for this doubt, for listening to that weaver. But it’s right here, Asher.” She tapped the side of her head. “And it’s growing. Something is wrong with this ring. I can sense it when I hold it, and it’s linked to Luke.”
I shivered, parting my beaded curtain to check on him.
“Still asleep.” I caught myself smiling at him before retreating into the kitchen. “I don’t get it. What would the king have to hide?”
The gargoyle monarch was the paragon of honor, the highest seat of power. Beyond corruption, full of truth. Better than the rest of us, our guide through life.
And wracked with grief.
My skull hurt. “What does Seth think he’s done? Can I hold the ring?”
She handed it to me. It was small, built for slender fingers, not mine.
Nothing happened.
“Seth has no idea.” She took the ring back. “There will be no sleep for me tonight. I’ll be studying this thing. Call me when Luke wakes up. Actually, make sure he has breakfast first, then call me.” She hesitated before saying the next part. “We want to try putting the ring on him.”
“I know. We’ll do it here.”
“Seth’s coming back to my room?” Man, that sucked.
“Unless you would prefer the meeting room?”