I felt the pull of him, the snapping anxiety over his absence. A surge of emotions dumped me into a confusing soup. Part lust, a splash of determination, plenty of pining.
Markings were like this, often taking a few days to smooth out.
I’d work on that. First, I had to get him out of this situation. Make sure he was…safe.
Always safe.
A knock on my door drew me from the balcony. I flung it open, the sight of a limp Luke in Seth’s arms bringing a growl to my chest.
The weaver ignored me, brushing past.
Carissa followed.
A sheen of sweat rippled across Luke’s face. His eyes were wide, unblinking, his mouth moving silently.
“What’s happening?” I asked, sickly distress in my stomach.
“We think he’s having a vision,” my boss answered.
Seth laid him down on my bed.
My mark.
My human.
“We can’t seem to reach him, though,” Carissa added. “You’ll have to try.”
Seth sat beside Luke, the back of his hand on his forehead, acting as if he gave a shit.
“Can’t be here…” Luke muttered. “Can’t… Can’t… Can’t…”
I went to him, Seth reluctantly getting off the bed to give me space.
I ignored whatever dirty look he might have thrown me, focusing on the mysterious, beautiful Luke.
It was my turn to check his clammy forehead. My turn to speak his name, to lean in closer, mesmerized by the cupid’s bow of his lips.
“Luke? It’s Asher.”
He blinked, mouth closing.
“I’m right here, Luke. Come back.”
My skin became hypersensitive, every hair awakened. I slipped into my own trance, heart fluttering, completely enraptured.
This was crazy.
I swallowed, mouth dry, my other hand finding its way to his chest. Fingers splayed across his heart, speaking his name every few seconds.
“Wake up, Luke. I wanna see your smile.”
His smile was starlight, a shadow chaser. It changed him completely, showed off a different Luke longing to be free.
He blinked again, piercing blue eyes finding mine.
Blink. Blink. Blink.