Seth stared at me.
Come on, boss. Let him have it!
I waited for more of a reaction, a full-on lambasting for the knobhead.
It wasn’t forthcoming, the silence making me worry.
Yeah. The weaver had something up his sleeve.
Two minutes passed, the tension in the room molasses.
“I’d like to speak with Seth and Luke in private,” Carissa finally said.
The fuck? “What? Why?”
“Because I said so.”
Seth’s lips thinned into a sneer.
I slammed my fists into the table, jumping to my feet. “No way is he getting away with this.”
Carissa sighed. “Asher…”
“No, boss. No. He’s a manipulative prick, and?—”
“He can’t get away with this. He attacked Luke, for fuck’s sake.”
“Sit. Down.”
“I regret it,” Seth said softly. “I really do, Luke.”
My mark dipped his head, making himself smaller.
“Sit,” Carissa ordered me again. “Now.”
“No. I won’t?—”
“Know your place!” she roared with the loudest voice she’d ever used with me.
That caught me by surprise. “Boss?—”
“Do I need to remind you of your place, Asher?”
“Ma’am…” Shit. What was happening here?
“You’re a knight. You answer to me.”
Tail between my legs, ready to launch myself at Seth to wipe the smugness of his face, I sat down.
“Better. Now, this is how things will go.” She took a deep breath. “You will leave here and wait in your room for further instructions.”
“A failure to register power growth is a crime, Luke,” she addressed the human. “And you appear to have failed to do this twice.”
“I’m sorry,” he whispered.