Page 36 of Stone Temptation

“We do,” Tom said. “You don’t have to hide things from us, mate.”

“It will be okay,” I mumbled.

“What will?” Maren questioned.

I made eye contact. Big mistake.

The dam cracked, information gushing out. Every part of me felt so weak after last night, overly vulnerable. I told them everything, side-stepping Seth’s tail attack and the visions.

At least for now. I still couldn’t believe he’d done that to me. I wanted to process it some more.

Maren took me gently by the arm. “Why did you not say anything before?”

Tom reached over to pat me on the back, his jaw on the floor. “Shite. I’m so sorry. What can we do to help?”

“Nothing. It’s all fine. I’ll do this job for Seth, and that’ll be that.”

“Will it, though? What if this is the beginning of him using you?”

I didn’t respond, but he was right. How could I trust Seth after last night?

The toaster popped. “I’ll get it done then move on. Stop seeing him.”

“There must be something we can do to get him off your back,” Tom said.

“This ring job will shake him off. Please don’t worry.” I grabbed the fish paste, spreading it on the bread. “I’ll handle it. Maren? Here.”

The mermaid took her toast, staring at me.

“What?” I asked.

“We are terrible friends,” she answered before her first bite.

Tom nodded. “I knew something was up, but I didn’t push hard enough.”

“No need. I’ve got it covered.”

“Not just Seth, but everything you’re doing for your brother.” He sighed deeply. “You can talk to us, Luke. About anything. We’ve earned your trust, right?”

I nodded, liking it better before I’d blurted my truth.

“Then talk to us. Let us help. We’re here for you.” His forehead creased in a frown. “Seth can’t get away with this shite. Gargoyles are here to protect us. His job is to save your life. You owe him nothing. This is so, so wrong. And he can’t manipulate you like this.”

“I can’t exactly make a formal complaint to King Declan, can I? Not when I’ve been hiding my new power.”


“Don’t be ridiculous.”

“I’m deadly serious.”

I brushed past my friends, cracking open a window. My body temperature spiked, this conversation too much. “Can we drop this?”

The cold air rushed in, sunlight streaming across the table.

“Luke?” Tom spoke softly.

I tensed, wanting them gone. “Can we talk about something else?”