This side of Seth killed my boner, and cast him in a new light. He might make me nervous, but he’d never frightened me.
Turned out, I had a good reason to feel uneasy.
I glanced at the door, weighing up my flimsy chances of escape again.
“Anyway, the ring is in her office at the London tower. I won’t go into detail with a human, but let’s just say it is important and she’s being unfair.”
The hate in those hazel eyes hurt my chest.
“Tomorrow is the best night to make this happen. I’ve been looking for a chance for months, but the tower is far more fortified than this one.” His expression darkened. “If you’d have registered your invisibility with me earlier, we could have planned this better. I found out after our session the other day, hence the rush job.”
Did my semen gushing down his throat suddenly give me away? “I’m so sorry.”
“We can succeed, though. Together. But you must trust me. And you’re already an experienced thief, aren’t you?”
How many hours do you watch me? I kept that to myself on account of not wanting my cock in a vice.
What now? Nod my head? Agree? Ask a question? What was the crux of the deal?
“If you do this, Luke, I will keep your power and stealing a secret. And I’ll allow you to live in the lighthouse rent-free. I wish I could say I have a solution to save your brother, but I don’t. However, consider this my favor claimed. What do you say?”
As if I had any other choice. “Okay.”
“Such a shaky voice.”
What did he expect?
“Prison will be the alternative. No ifs or buts. And I will kick you out of the lighthouse.”
“I’m… I’m all in.”
Seth stared at me for long beats as if on the verge of attacking.
I stared back, sweat dripping off my nose, nauseous. “I?—”
His tail burst from his trousers, locking me into a python grip before I could blink.
He squeezed the air out of my lungs, my bones on the verge of snapping. He snarled, slowly moving toward me.
“I’m too forgiving. You have no idea how much your deceit burns me.”
The speared tip of his flexible yet stony tail pressed under my chin. One false move and he’d tear my throat.
“But I never want to despise you.”
He let me breathe, easing his grip. My insides ached as I sucked in blessed air.
This is not the Seth I know…
He released me.
I fell to my knees, clutching my chest, desperate for this night to end.
“Makes a nice change to see you on your knees.”