Constant monster harassment did take its toll on a minority of humans. Some broke, seeing no alternative but to quit.
Those were the humans we failed. Those victims required decent aftercare before they were eaten or cursed into terrors. We could do so much better in that area. A bunch of us had formed a committee to work on the issue, shot down every time we tried to raise our head over the parapet of bollocks.
One day, our voices would be heard.
“Want help getting home?” I asked, ass cheeks craving my squishy chair.
“I’m fine. Thanks.” He tapped for a ride on his phone.
“I’ll wait with you until it comes,” I said.
Five minutes later, a car took him home.
I returned to my chair, focusing on the salty air again, holding my crystal for moral support.
Where are you?
After closing the club at four in the morning, booting out two irritating, overly horny stragglers who wouldn’t go home, the cleaners got to work. Tom, Ian, and I bid them goodnight, leaving Midas Cherry together.
Outside, in the chilly early morning air, Ian groaned. “Fifty quid behind and I’m a pariah. Fifty quid!”
“Is that it?” I asked.
Orange motes wafted across the staff carpark, sucked up to the rooftop by a breeze.
“Maybe not so loud?” Tom suggested. “He might be listening.”
Ian scratched at his cheek. “As if he’d still be lurking around here.” His eyes darted nervously left and right.
“Just pay the man,” Tom added.
Ian sighed. “How do you stomach him, Luke?”
Seth made no secret of our friendship but kept the oral sex part our monthly meetings quiet.
I shrugged. “He’s okay, really.”
“You can’t be serious.”
“He is with me.” Even if he did make me nervous a lot.
Ian huffed. “Make sure you don’t get upgraded to his official concubine or some rubbish. I can’t take you turning into some snotty lord.”
“Don’t be ridiculous.”
“He kissed you. That’s the next stage.”
Never. Seth only wanted my cock, nothing else. And the last thing I wanted was any of that relationship mess.
Ian grunted, thanked us for our hard work, and skulked off to his car.
Tom flung his arm across my shoulders, walking me to the front of the club. “Want to hang at mine after the tower?”
Hanging with Tom often resulted in hours and hours of us playing Mario Kart and stuffing our faces with junk. An awesome activity most of the time, but I wasn’t really feeling it right now.