“Your energy is putting me off. And before you whine, I get it. You’re in a muddle. But I’m trying to watch sweaty men play with their balls.”
“A ball. One.”
He winked, turning up the volume.
I made sure my footsteps were heavy as I went back to my bedroom.
Ah, much better. A room of color and fairy lights, rebelling against the standard gargoyle gray.
Everything in my room was designed to relax me, from the candles to the music to the crystals. I loved crystal healing, making sure to take care of my chakras every night. It helped center me, keeping my anger in check. That changed my life, although it did nothing for my potty mouth.
Ah, all part of my charm.
Picking up my rose quartz, I took a seat in my squishy mediation chair, closed my eyes, and focused on the energy of the crystal to bring some calm.
Where are you? I spoke into the ether. Who are you?
No answer.
Shit. Wait. Try again. Focus, balance.
I tasted salt, the buzz becoming a faint whisper.
Salt? No. Brine.
Sea air? A human somewhere on the coast?
Tell me where you are…
“Help me!” a screaming voice pleaded.
Is that you?
“Please! Help!”
I opened my eyes, the sound coming from outside my room. Even though the main part of a tower sat above the clouds, our super hearing naturally attuned to pick up on danger and chaos when it stirred, and able to silence unwanted sounds.
A monster roared. I leaped from my chair, dashing onto my balcony. Releasing my wings, skin stoning up, I vaulted over the balustrade, dove through the clouds, and landed in a crouch on the street below.
A ten-foot tall, yellow bear-like creature covered with flies slowly stalked a human man who crawled across the ground.
The monster laughed at its victim, a few of those bugs breaking rank to explore the street.
“What’s up?” I asked causally, summoning my sword.
Demonic Winnie the Pooh turned on me, baring rotting teeth. Pink motes swarmed around its head before floating away.
Freshly made? Pissing motes. At least they left monsters vulnerable to my sword, and not indestructible like them.
Fuck the motes and the vents they ride in on.
The bear roared.
I huffed, shaking my head. “Think you can keep the noise down?”