Rain began to fall.
“I can’t lie to him…”
The rain fell harder, quickly gathering force.
What was I gonna do?
Everyone left a few hours later, Carissa also deciding last minute she’d stay at the Brinecrest tower for a while. Until the dust settled.
I watched Luke sleep until sunrise, checking his protection with my second sight, trying to see that extra layer he’d stolen. But it just looked normal.
The hours ticked by at the pace of a snail. I hurt harder with each minute, my heart aching when he eventually showed me those gorgeous blue peepers.
Your face makes the morning brighter…
He stretched, seeming so refreshed from his sleep. “Good morning.”
“Morning,” I returned, kissing him. “I’ll make breakfast.”
“You don’t have to do that.”
“Happy to.” But I hesitated.
“What’s wrong?”
The truth about Finn came to the tip of my tongue. If it escaped, gods only knew what might happen next. I might be riddled with guilt, but what about the guilt of losing hundreds, even thousands of human lives? Even gargoyle ones? Because Seth was right—I had no fucking idea what Luke was capable of. His slaughter of the chimeras was only the tip of the iceberg.
“Can we cuddle?” I asked.
His beaming response almost destroyed me.
“I’d love to. But I’ll be big spoon.” He opened his arms.
The truth returned to the shadows.
So much for being his yellow.