“Can you stand?” Asher asked.
“I think so.”
He helped me up, his arm around my waist.
“What is that?” He directed me away from the puddle to my front door.
I rubbed my hand over my breastbone, a gassy pain like indigestion trapped there. “Can we talk over a massive glass of water?”
He bent to kiss my cheek. “Course.”
Tom’s motorbike roared up the peninsula, Maren swimming fast alongside him.
She reached me first, snaring me in a hug. “Are you okay, darling?”
“I’m fine.” I shuddered under her cold touch.
She released me as Tom parked his bike, pulling off his helmet while running at me.
I braced myself for the bear hug.
“I saw you and Asher chased by those goat thingies,” he said, crushing the wind out of me.
“Chimera,” I squeaked.
He released me. “You look like shit.”
“What is this?” Maren asked, hovering over the dead mote gunk.
“Let’s talk inside,” Asher said. “I know I need a shot of scotch. Hold the green tea.”
I relayed everything over tea, scotch, and two glasses of water. Asher told us about the potion Seth had been giving me at every chess game. Explained the weird haze after ejaculation.
Bastard. I should fry him then drown his smoldering remains after.
Like I’ll do to Ember…
Unfortunately, the weaver was on his way to the lighthouse, along with Carissa. I guess they were entitled to make an appearance seeing as they were working on this case.
I beat them to it, ninety percent of the answers already on the table.
Tom took his third shot of scotch at the end of it, then called a cupcake to his palm. “You didn’t take my power.” He sighed with relief.
“Not from hugging. I have to make it happen.” My new abilities were friendly neighbors, circling the core of my true essence.
What would be their next new friend?
More understanding slid into place about my power. It all came from my will. If I wanted to act, I would. But I had to be careful. Anger triggered it and might make me lose control. Like summoning a tidal wave while arguing with my brother.
I didn’t remember any of that, the night still a blur.
“And I’d never do that to you,” I added.
Tom didn’t seem so sure to me. His smile barely got off the ground, and that cut a deep gouge into my heart.