Man, my guts were so twisted and there was a dull ache from stress in my neck.
Luke’s not dangerous. He just can’t be.
The explosive collision of chimera and gargoyles rumbled above. I poured everything into my wings, passing Luke’s lighthouse, nothing but dark waves below us now.
Keep going, I told myself. Just keep going.
Another chimera pissed in my cereal, coming in hot from my left. I flew up, then right, but it was faster. Got ahead of me, turned and came to stop, forcing me to pull hard on my brakes.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
It hovered before me, beating those huge, feathered wings that disturbed the air with heavy gusts. This one was much bigger than the others and bright pink, streams of what looked like paint dripping off its body.
“Relinquish the enemy!” the twin goat heads commanded, the water vibrating under the extreme volume of its voice.
My poor ears.
Did it mean Luke?
I summoned my sword into my right hand, keeping Luke crushed to my chest with my left arm. “Not gonna happen!”
“He must die!”
“You must pissing die!” Oh, this prick was going down.
“The glory of our queen will reign supreme!” The chimera surged forward, leaving no time for me to mull over his words. “The ring will be hers. She will be free.”
Ah. Right. The burned woman wanted the ring to be free. It was the only thing that made sense.
I banked the info for later, not in the mood to verbally Ping-Pong for this big monster. Instead, I launched into an attack, charging the chimera. The monster released its fire. I flew down, skimming the water, coming back up to slice my sword across its underside.
Hot pink flesh split open, steaming entrails spilling out of the wound like a tangle of swollen worms.
The chimera howled, listing to the side, crashing into the water. It struggled and screamed, luminous pink blood spreading across the dark surface of the sea. The human rider lost their balance, tumbling headfirst into the water.
“Help me!” the chimera cried, following it up with an ear-splitting whistle. The kind only dogs are supposed to hear.
Three chimeras descended in response, tearing through the air toward me. I geared up for a massive burst of speed to avoid being crispy. I might have my stone skin on, but an onslaught of chimera fire was no walk in the park. And fighting them alone risked Luke. Getting away, although painful to my ego, was the only option.
Two more chimeras appeared on both sides, the five of them forming a trap. I had seconds to spare until they closed in, barbequing me and my mark.
Come on, wings!
“Destroy the enemy! Destroy the enemy!” the monsters chorused.
I glanced back, the pricks gaining on me. I swerved left to avoid one blast of fire, pulling up to dodge another.
This dance slowed me down way too much.
“Destroy the enemy!”
I avoided more flames, looping up and over, shooting off to the west. At this rate, Luke and I would either be fried or end up on the shores of the East Coast of the USA.
“Destroy the enemy!”
I swerved again, flying south.