Page 147 of Stone Temptation

“Why chess?” Did I want him to keep talking? Did I actually wanna hear details about a dangerous Luke?

“Chess is the most important part of the process,” Seth said. “He always plays with the black pieces, which are infused with a numbing lotion. It seeps into his skin, designed to make him miss certain things. Like sharp pains in his thigh.”

I waited for the next part as he took a long drag on his joint, not quite believing what I was hearing.

“I inject the solution into him when he ejaculates. It puts him into a brief daze, and that’s that. Power suppressed. And tasting him once a month informs me of any changes. Like Friday night when I tasted his invisibility.”

My instincts spiked, demanding I get Luke as far away from this gargoyle as possible—after smashing his face repeatedly into the wall.

“Let me get this straight,” I said, keeping a level head. “You saw him use some great power, buried it because you think you might be able to use it once you learn more about it, and now it might have something to do with the rest of this shit?”

“Puzzling, isn’t it?” He made sad puppy eyes at Luke. “You’ll have to take over from me now. Keep dosing him on a more regular basis, considering this turn. He’s growing stronger, more resistant.”

I touched Luke’s forehead with the back of my hand. Normal temperature still. Just sleeping.

“What did you see him do?” I asked. “Just answer me this time.”

“I think the motes have made us a new creature here.” He drew out his next puff on the joint, taking his time to release the stream of smoke.

Man, his hesitation pissed me off to no end.

“Tell me!” I bellowed.

“He killed a monster and summoned a tidal wave.”

An iron ball dropped into my stomach, mouth hanging open. “By the gods…”

“I know. It was terrifying. The monster he killed was about to summon a wave, too, when Luke and Finn arrived at the cove. It tried to interfere with the argument between the brothers. Luke snapped, driving his fist into the monster’s chest.” He took another, shaky drag. “Absorbed the essence of the monster before it melted away. According to the studies, this was the first time Luke’s power manifested.”

A second iron ball joined the other, the pounding in my head worse. “He stole its power, you mean?”

“Yes. Then summoned the wave in a rage.”

I wasn’t hearing this shit. This couldn’t be real. “What was going on with Finn at this time?”

“There are two parts to the potion, Asher. The white part suppresses his power, the green?—”

The tower’s sirens wailed and I heard a commotion outside the bedroom.

“What in the name of the gods?” Seth muttered, approaching the door.

It crashed open. He jumped back as I rolled off the bed, summoning my sword.

A gargoyle knight spilled into the bedroom—the miserable guy from the mote vent.

“What is it?” Seth demanded.

“Chimera attack!”

Oh, bollocks!



Put it on.

Put it on.