Despite the almost lip action on the stairs, it was time to face facts. This couldn’t be anything more than me keeping him safe. Creating a bit of distance would be good for us both, making a smoother partnership.
I gathered up some crystals and candles, not thinking about our destination and the knobheads within it.
Whoa. What a suite. I’d been expecting some box room with no windows—some dark corner of the tower. But we were in the lap of luxury despite the gray décor.
Two rooms with double beds, two bathrooms, two balconies, a kitchen, dining room, and a living room with a massive TV.
The Royal Suite, apparently. Never used, always reserved for the king’s visits.
When was the last time he’d been here? And what was the catch?
“It even has a bar,” Luke said. “Fully stocked.” He actually clapped excitedly. “I’m making something later.”
“Cocktail Tuesday, eh?” I replied.
“Sounds wonderful,” Seth added, following Luke around like a bee to honey.
The sight of him so close to my mark raised my hackles.
“I’ll have my usual,” Seth said.
Luke turned, cheeks flushed. “Now?”
“Later.” The weaver’s hazel eyes glinted with happy malice. “It can be a peace drink. An alcoholic olive branch.”
“Because I am over this morning,” he continued. “My mouth aches, and so does my ego. But I deserved it. I never should have struck you, Luke.” He went to reach out a hand to touch him, then dropped it. “This suite is my apology to you both. For everything.”
So contrite.
So full of shit.
Gods, he boiled my piss.
“Take that as you will,” he said. “But there is no catch. My behavior has been appalling, to say the least. Now we move forward. Now we focus on keeping Luke safe, on solving this strange mystery. That must be our mutual goal now.” He glanced between us. “Clean slate?”
“What do you think?” Luke asked me.
“Will two black eyes count?” I answered in his head.
Seth extended a hand to Luke.
“Shake it. Put this to bed.”
Luke shook his hand, me going next. Seth’s palm was smooth, much softer than mine. Typical weaver.
“I’m glad we can be adults about this,” he said.
Only because I can kick your ass from here to the furthest edge of the gargoyle realm.
I grunted, crossing my arms. “Right.”
I kept a lid on Billy, on that night I lost a man I thought I’d loved.
More fool me.
Seth couldn’t help looking so pissing smug. “I’ll leave you both to it.” He swept out of the room.