Page 121 of Stone Temptation

Asher looked at me like a kid in a sweet shop, his eyes full of stars. “Is he for real?”

“Best power in the world,” I said, my mouth smiling so hard my jaw hurt.

Asher agreed with an enthusiastic nod. “Can I have both?”

“Course.” Tom handed them over. “Anyway, back to my question.”

If Asher could dive into those cakes, he would. And, my God, it made me so happy to witness.

“How do you feel about Mario Kart?” Tom asked.

“Love it.”

And a new friendship was born.

After two hours of racing, Tom and Asher battling it out to be king of the game, I saw Maren off.

“You can still stay here,” I said. “You can crash in my room.”

“I would not hinder your privacy.”

Part of me wanted to loosen the leash on Finn’s bedroom, but not enough to allow it to actually happen. Having someone else sleep in there would break me.

“You wouldn’t be hindering anything,” I replied. “Don’t think this has to change things between us.”

“I know.”

I fidgeted, not liking her slight indifference. “I feel like you’re saying goodbye.”

She frowned deeply at me. “Silliness.”

“Is it?”

“Yes. I will not be walking out of your life. You buy the best fish paste.”

My turn to roll my eyes. “That’s all I am to you? Pulverized fish?”

“Spot on.”

“Promise me you’re not leaving me. I can’t have you leave me. You’ve been so awesome.”

She reached up to touch my face with a cool hand. “You worrywart. I think I have gone about this all wrong.”

Don’t start sobbing and begging her not to disappear. “I’ll say.”

“I am giving you space to settle into your new life. I will not be saying goodbye. I have business to attend to. When I return in a few days, we can discuss the sleeping arrangements.”

I had to accept her answer, even if I couldn’t quite believe it. “Okay.”

“I promise.”

“Good.” We hugged.

“Your bodyguard is wonderful.”

I glanced over my shoulder at the two men, Asher as much in his element as Tom.

The warm and fuzzies were a flood inside me, the tips of my toes tingling.