Perfect timing.
She checked in, asking how things were going. Said she’d heard about the sea lion monster and the gas mask man, along with everything else.
Her: Seth is a good communicator.
Did he tell her he’d slapped Luke? Or that I’d thrown him into a wall?
Me: Do you have any new ideas, boss?
Her: Keep searching for answers. If I discover anything, I will report in. There has been a communication to all gargoyles regarding the burned woman. Seth and I are hoping for a search of volcanic regions to begin soon as a starting point. Also, we want a gas mask human to be taken alive for questioning by an enchanter.
There were magical ways of making a tongueless human talk.
Me: Can I help? It’s my job to protect my mark.
Her: You do that by staying by his side, and by keeping away from mote vents.
Me: Hate waiting around for something to happen.
Her: I understand the frustration. But this is how it works. I’m glad you’ve settled in with Luke well.
A tad too well.
Me: What if we keep the ring? Let Luke wear it all the time and see if the woman reaches out again. Seems daft waiting until tomorrow.
Although I’d happily avoid the tower for as long as possible.
Her: The ring could be dangerous. Seth wants all tests kept to the tower. There are mote enchanters studying the ring. Please don’t worry too much.
For real? Don’t worry? What a piss take.
Me: Better go.
I was done with this Seth’s-so-clued-up shit.
Her: Lovely talking with you. Also, as a final point, monster activity is being closely monitored still.
Me: Cool.
Her: I’m proud of you.
She’d said that to me before, after coming back from the labor camp with a new lease on life.
I messaged her goodbye.
My device buzzed again. This time from Dane.
Him: Hey, bro. Checking in. Hope all is good. Made some calls with my contacts about enchanter help for Luke. Will get back to ya ASAP.
Me: Thanks, man.
Him: You good?
Me: Not bad. You?
Him: Missing ya x
Me: Likewise x