Page 110 of Stone Temptation

“May I kiss your hand?” he asked.

The room fell away, the cold giving way to incredible heat. I began to sweat profusely in the darkness, the air so close like an unbearable summer heatwave.

But worse.

“What’s going on?”

New surroundings blinked to life around me. A huge cavern of black rock, fires burning from various pits in the ground, chasing some of the shadows away.

To my left, a lake of lava bubbled, the rocky ground I stood on just wide enough for me and the burned woman.

I rubbed my eyes to make sure I was seeing things clearly.

“Who…” I wiped heavy sweat from my face. “What the hell?”

“To a fashion,” the woman said, her voice a fractured melody.

She was made of cracked charcoal and angry red blisters, as if she’d been roasted alive. Flashes of pink flesh broke through gaps in the terrible ruin of her body. Smoldering embers fissured across her chest, encircling her heart.

Strangely, I smelled patchouli, not burning.

I hated that smell. It reminded me of my mother.

“Hello there.” Green eyes sparkled in her head.

Was her accent American?

“Hi. What am I doing here? Who are you?”


The cavern vanished, returning me to Seth’s room.

I staggered back, head spinning. “What the…” Cold air taunted my sweaty body, my legs giving out.

“Be careful!” Seth caught me before I fell.

A cavern of lava. A badly burned woman.

Seth put me upright, holding me by the biceps. “What happened?”

“I… I don’t… I don’t understand.”

“What? Tell me?”

His almond-laced breath triggered my gag reflex. I hunched, dry retching.

“Talk to me, Luke.”

My vision blurred, becoming milky. It passed within seconds, taking my nausea with it.


“I’m okay.” I stepped back, taking some deep breaths. Counted down from ten.

“Well?” Seth probed, puffing on that damn joint. What happened?”

A flash of pain cut across my forehead. “I’m… I’m not sure.”