With everything settled, I took him to my lab. He had to bend his knees in the shed, too tall for the cramped space. I let him examine my set up.
“Have you had any help from stronger mote enchanters?” he asked, picking up a beaker.
“No.” I scratched at my left palm. “I’m thinking of asking Seth if he can put me in touch with the one who made the blue candy.”
I watched a vein pulse in his neck. “Really?”
“I can’t believe I’m even considering it.”
I expected him to say Seth wouldn’t help, go off on a tirade about the weaver.
Instead, he said, “Always best to try every avenue. I’ll speak to Dane. He might know some people.”
My lips spread into a smile. “That’s awesome. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.”
“But do me a favor,” he added. “Let me speak to Dane first. Keep Seth as a second option.”
“Will do.”
“Cool. Right, I’m getting spine cramps.”
“Spine cramps?”
“If you were taller, you’d know what I mean.”
“Is that an insult?”
“A fact, dear human.” He snorted, stepping outside.
Dark clouds spread across the sky like spilled ink blotting out the blue, the wind picking up.
“Smells like rain,” he said.
Ten minutes later, the heavens unleashed a downpour as I made some Angel Delight.
“It’s as light as air,” Asher said, scooping up another spoonful of the pink whip.
“Wonderful, isn’t it?”
“It’s alright.”
“You’ve almost finished it. And what’s with all this strawberry slander?”
“Not big on strawberries.”
“Then why did you want a bag of strawberry creams as a prize?”
He winked at me.
A terrible take. I mean, each to their own, but still terrible. “What’s your stance on banana and butterscotch?”
“Now you’re talking.”
I sighed. “I’ll get some in, even though strawberry is the queen of all Angel Delight.”
“Time to knock her off her throne.”