Page 65 of Stone Temptation


“Yeah. Sick of the grind.” He opened a bottle of scotch, pouring it into his green tea.

“What are you doing?”

“Jazzing it up.”

“That’s so wrong.”

He stirred the beverage. “Are you yucking my yum?”

“Yes.” Instant regret, cheeks blooming with heat. “No. I didn’t mean to. It’s just…surprising.”

“Don’t knock it ’til you try it.”

“Fair point. Sorry.”

“Nah, you’re good. I’m sure if you started eating gherkins, I’d react the same.”

“I hate gherkins.”

“We have something in common already.” He sipped his drink.

I rolled up my sleeves and reclaimed mine, cradling it to my chest. “Any ideas on these visions I’ve been having?”

“Only that I sensed ice and glass when the call became clear. Other than that, fuck knows.”

I shivered, an echo of the breaking glass in the corners of mind.

“Who wants to hurt me?” I said rhetorically.

The quickening of my heartbeat got me hot and bothered again.

“We’ll figure it out.” Asher injected reassurance into his words. “I promise. This is why I’m here.”

A swell of warmth chased away the chest vines. “I’m scared.”

“Everything will be alright.” He came closer. “And I’m really sorry about your brother.”

I wobbled, ready to sob again. “I’ll save him.”

He nodded sympathetically.

“I will,” I asserted. “That’s not his fate.” Here came the watery eyes, just at the edge of a breakdown.

Ever since Seth and Snaky messed with my equilibrium last night, I found myself stuck in this weak position. Crying, too open, in need of at least ten hours sleep.

I put the tea down, wiping at my eyes with the gargoyle’s jumper.

It smelled like him—sandalwood with a tiny hint of lavender.

“Want a hug?”

I blinked at him, catching more tears. “What?”

“Hugs always help me.”

“I like hugs,” I said too quickly.