“Two down,” the ogre yelled, roaring with laughter.
Was the death of his creations that funny? Okay, then.
The other gargoyles got to work on the starfish while Asher took me into the air. My stomach lurched at the sudden jolt upward.
“Sorry, Luke. You ain’t staying down there.”
The monster pointed up at us. “Come back and play! Come back! Come back! Come?—”
The woman cracked open its head with her weapon, the friendly guy driving his sword into its neck repeatedly.
“Thank God,” I whispered.
It died quickly, the remaining starfish melting with it. A second burst of motes swirled out of the vent, floating away harmlessly.
My body lit up green again as Asher flew us back to the lighthouse.
The gargoyle paced my living room.
“Sorry I got involved in that,” he said. “I put you in danger. I just thought… It’s… It’s hard to shake off my knight duties.”
I made some tea, letting him speak.
“This is my thing. Love a good mystery. But not at the expense of your safety.” He paused, grasping his bracelet.
I let the tea brew. “You were only doing what comes naturally.” Did that help one iota?
He paced again, hand still closed around his bracelet.
Guess not.
“I’ve always been out there on the streets, doing my thing. I like being out there, getting stuck in. Makes me feel like I’m doing the good I came to do. But I wanted more, didn’t I? Got itchy feet, as my mum says. Wished too hard, got landed with this gig.” His eyes locked onto mine, wide with what I perceived to be horror. “I’m not dismissing you, Luke. I’m really not. I’m just…” He sighed, taking a seat on the sofa. “I’m rambling.”
What was the point in taking offense? I understood him. “This is a massive adjustment.”
“Yeah.” He rested his elbows on his thighs, hunching forward.
“And nothing has to change, Asher. You can do both, right? I’m happy to come on patrols and crime scenes with you.”
Wow. Sometimes I really surprised myself.
The sincerity is strong in this one…
Asher looked up. “I can’t put you in danger, especially with what the monster said.”
I added milk and sugar to the tea, making a mental note to grab some scotch. “Don’t they always say that?”
He nodded. “Could be linked to you.”
Wasn’t everything now a possibility?
I took his tea over to him. “I’m sorry about all this.”
“You’ve got nothing to apologize for. It’s all about adapting. You’re right. I don’t need to patrol.”
I wasn’t convinced. “Well, consider it. Don’t make yourself unhappy because of me.”