Page 134 of Insta Bride

I ran my lips through my teeth, before realizing I now needed to reapply the lip gloss before the makeup artist saw me.

“Miss Mercer,” the security guard said again, “I don’t want to have to choose between losing my job and breaking down the door.”

At the same time, Bree’s demands had become a shrill scream.

Yet, all I could hear was the song, Elena, Elena, I love a girl called Elena.

I took one last breath before unleashing chaos, and opened the door.

I should have been used to cameras by now, but I wasn’t. I also knew that for the greatest impact, I’d be ignored by the live feed until I entered the stage.

I’d noticed how all the other couples had been dressed in blacks or dark colors. Sami looked stunning in a dark, silvery grey. Georgia in a midnight blue, even Campbell wore a blood red, deep maroon satin gown that shimmered against her golden skin and dark hair.

I watched from the wings as Kenzie and Benjamin entered the stage.

Kenzie’s bright blue strapless gown showed off every curve and I could almost hear Instagram bloggers going wild. She looked incredible. If only her personality was as beautiful as her gown, I wouldn’t be about to bring her down.

But for now, she stole the show. Obliterating all the other women on this stage.

I also knew, without a shadow of a doubt, if I’d worn any of the gowns selected for me, Kenzie would have overshone me as well. The stylists had their favorite, and it hadn’t been me.

Luckily, I had a plan, and Bree on my side.

“Are we doing this, Bree?” I asked.

“Only if you get your ass on stage.”

“Have you got my back?”

“I will do whatever it takes for good ratings.”

“You bitch.”

My heart sunk and I couldn’t back out. I was about to make a fool of myself, over a guy, yet again. Only this time, the country would be watching. Only this time, there would be footage to be used and reused any time the network wanted to remember that time Elena Mercer-Branson crucified her reputation in the vain attempt to win her man.

Only this time, I knew it would take more than three years to get over Kye.

As JP completed the introductions for Kenzie and Benjamin, the audience went wild. It hadn’t occurred to me that the audience would be live and their reaction would be real and not canned. Damn. I really hadn’t thought this through.

Kenzie and Benjamin had their four-and-a-half minutes to greet each other, say how much they loved each other, and for Benjamin gush about his beautiful wife.

Then I heard Bree call, “And time.”

“Well Benjamin,” JP interjected when Kenzie drew breath and stopped rambling, “Can you please take your lady love and join your friends on the lounge.”

I looked over and saw Chloe operating one of the cameras. The camera was panning the group on the couch, but Chloe’s eyes were fixed on Kenzie. I’d never seen such raw and painful love. When the camera went back to JP and he started announcing Kye and I, I saw Kenzie look around, only stopping when she found Chloe.

When Kenzie had greeted Benjamin, it appeared real. She’d smiled and kissed him. But when she looked at Chloe, her resting bitch-face disappeared. She became soft, beautiful. A woman in love.

Only, Kenzie wasn’t married to Chloe.

“And now, for the final couple.” JP wound up his introduction. “We’ve heard the song on the radio, but is it true? Is it really what’s in Kye Branson’s heart?”

JP paused while the audience chanted my name. “Ladies and gentlemen, I give to you Kye and Elena.”

I stood frozen as Kye strode onto the stage, expecting to meet me there.

He looked so sexy; I couldn’t believe a man so perfect could be created. His hair had been left in long, surfer waves. Sunkissed and glorious. When I didn’t immediately appear, his jaw started nervous twitching. He got the same twitch when looking for a car park, when a waiter had stuffed up my order, and when he’d asked me questions about my ex. When the answer was out of his control, his jaw twitched.