Page 138 of Insta Bride

“You left our home.”

“I left your home.”

“Can I tell you a secret?” Now, it was my words being echoed around the room. Not that I cared. Elena was in my arms and I’d just sung her the words I hadn’t been able to say.

“Could I stop you?”

“It’s only a home when you’re there. I love you. I love a girl called Elena.”

Right on cue, my friends gate-crashed the party.

From the right-hand side of the stage where I’d been waiting, Xavier Galis, lead singer of The Flying Monkeys, strode onto stage singing my song, Devon followed with Chase behind with portable drum pads slung around his neck. Pulling up next to me, my only surprise was when Xavier greeted Elena with a familiar hug and kiss.

“You know my wife?”

“Wait,” she turned me away from the band, “You knew they’d be here?”

“Of course, I planned it. How else am I going to be able to do this?”

I dropped to one trembling knee. Looking up, I saw her mouth to Xav, “You didn’t think to tell me?”

“Would you hurry up, mate,” Dev stopped singing long enough to say. “I need to get this song out of my head.”

“Elena Mercer, would you do me the honor of remaining my wife, til death do we part?”



Nothing had gone to plan.

I’d wanted to surprise Kye with his band friends coming on stage to serenade him. Jax had agreed to make up a crazy tune and gate-crash the commitment ceremony.

Instead, Kye had—

Kye had—

My sexy husband had decided to unleash his own surprise.

Proposing a lifetime of marriage in front of a live audience, while Xav, Devon and Chase all sang my name.

Of course, I’d said, yes.

I’d wept in Kye’s arms with his words now on repeat, “I love you.”

Six months later and we were ready to do it all again.

“Ready?” Jess joined me in one of the dozen master bedrooms that occupied the third floor of the Southern Highlands country mansion. Jess looked stunning, her hair currently deep red, offset against the silver-grey bridesmaids gowns.

“Of course, are you?”

“The groom is currently pacing around his room and if he doesn’t stop asking Hunter how long before the ceremony, I think Hunter will punch him into next week,” Olivia laughed, joining us with a bottle of champagne. “I can’t believe you’re doing this, again.”

“When you find the right man, you can never marry him enough.”

“Well, are we going to do this thing?” Jess had been trying to keep us on time the whole week. We’d taken over Deacon Galis’ mansion. The Flying Monkeys were living on the second floor and recording in the basement. We had the third floor.

The only rules were no cameras. Other than the band’s girlfriend, Sydney. She promised to capture all the moments that mattered, and we’d be able to decide how we’d use them.