I look up at Quinn and sigh, “Look, whether you like me right now or not, you agreed to this, and it’s go time babydoll.”
She rolls her eyes as I grab her by the arm, pulling her down the hall with me toward the elevators. Walking in our direction is Julian. Despite him wearing his mask, I can tell it’s him with those bright blue eyes. I’ve stared at them on many a lonely night, trying to escape the living hell I was in before I met Shado. Instead of looking at me, he is intently staring at Quinn as though he has seen a ghost.
I notice she is returning his stare too.
Walking past us, he continues to crane his neck. I don’t blame him for being so infatuated with her, she’s beautiful and I’m too exhausted to say anything snarky.
“Who was that?” Quinn asks curiously.
“Julian. He’s another ghost. Don’t get involved with him.” I say, as I drag her onto the elevator.
She hesitantly steps inside as she watches Julian continue on down the hallway.
When we pull up, Shado is standing outside Vanguard Enterprises pacing nervously as the sun begins to set behind the massive building. Of all the crime lords I have taken down under my father’s direction, none of them led me here. Drake was never on my father’s list of men to stop. I always found it odd. Apart from Everly’s organization, he owned most of the buildings in Edinburgh and Raventown after he took up his father’s notorious legacy. He portrayed himself as this all powerful mogul.
Then when I found out who he truly was, The Dragon, I thought for sure he would be on my father’s target list. Surprisingly, he’s never gone after Drake even after the incident at the docks last year.
Walking up to Shado, I press my lips to his cheek. “What has you so freaked out?”
Shaking his head he grabs my arm, turning me to the front entrance, whispering, “We will talk downstairs.”
He guides me and Quinn to the elevators in the front lobby and presses the button marked “B”.
“Drake is so inconspicuous, isn’t he?” I say sarcastically, shaking my head.
How did no one ever find out who he really was?
As if Shado can read my mind, he responds, “People fear Drake as Drake himself. No one wanted to cross him willingly. You should see the terror in their eyes when they find out who he truly is right before he kills them.”
I try not to act surprised. I’ve only really ever seen the family man who is Drake not The Dragon. I can’t picture him as some big bad vigilante.
As the elevator whirs down to the basement level, I look up at Shado. “Why didn’t he kill you?”
He chuckles, “We kind of needed each other really. I sought him out after I gathered more information about the attacks from fourteen years ago. He was connected by the association of his father, and so was I.”
He pauses as if reminiscing, “And he needed me to help him take down the remaining members that were a part of…”
“...The Fourth Circle.” I finish his sentence. “They returned last year.”
He looks at me in surprise, but before he can speak the elevator dings and the doors open.
Sitting at a round marble top desk with seven chairs tucked in, are Drake and CiCi.
“Are we expecting a party?” I say snarkily as I walk over, gesturing toward the empty chairs then back at the three of us.
Drake stands up smiling, and holds out his hand, “It’s good to see you again, Calista.”
After I awkwardly shake his hand, he turns to Quinn to introduce himself. “Drake Reign. It’s nice to meet you, Ms. Lowery.”
“You mean the puppet you plan on using to catch Allister and Enzo?” She snaps.
I’m becoming irritated at her agitation. “I mean…I’ll call you puppet if that’s what you really want since you keep fucking bringing it up.” I wink.
She scoffs.
I forcefully pull out a chair and motion to her. “You agreed to this plan last night. Now sit down.”