As if their ears were burning, both women look at Shado and politely wave. He returns their acknowledgement and turns back to me.

The waitress from earlier cautiously brings our drinks to the table, quietly sets them down, and backs away without a word.

“You seem well known here.” I point out, swirling the ice around in my glass. “How did Drake keep his identity concealed so well if you both were regulars?”

“You would be amazed by the stupidity of people and not being able to put two and two together about the person behind the mask.” He pauses to take a sip of his whiskey. “Plus, I made him promise not to come out here anymore, now that I’ve taken over the dirty work. Even though he only partially listens to me on that deal.”

“I could see him struggling to give up his legacy and letting someone else take up the mantle.” I respond, watching the interactions between the clientele. Growing aggravated that I’ve yet to see Quinn, I glance down at my watch, confused.

The beacon placed her here. So, where is she?

“He does, even though he’s made it clear I will never be The Dragon. But he also knows if he keeps going out on the streets, it puts a target on CiCi and Ariana’s back. One of the reasons they moved so far from his company and the city.”

I simply nod to acknowledge him talking, and take a sip of the amber liquid in the glass. I need something to take the edge off while we sit here, but I am too irritated at not finding Quinn. We need to do this quickly before her dad’s cronies show up.

As if on cue, I see a flowing wall of blonde hair take residence at one of the barstools.

“There she is.” I nod over to her direction. She is sitting in front of Miranda, the woman Shado pointed out as the bartender.

He looks at her and then back at me. “You sure you got this?”

“If the other night is any indication, she will be eating out of the palm of my hand.”

“Yeah, and then once we take her, she is going to bite that hand off.” He laughs as he stands up, quickly downing the rest of this drink. “I’ll meet you in the back alley.”

He points to a black door across the bar in the corner with a red neon exit sign above it.

“Aren’t you going to pay for that?” I motion to his now empty glass, as I stand up.

“I sorta have a running tab here.” He chuckles. “Ya know, from protecting the city and all.” He winks.

Rolling my eyes, I walk around to him and pat his chest. “Okay, Robin.”

He looks at me confused.

“Drake is Batman. You’re Robin.”

“Wooow. And who are you then?”

I ponder that for a second, “Poison Ivy.”

I laugh as he walks off, heading toward the back door.

Taking the last swig of my drink, I relish the bite the amber liquid has as it glides down my throat. The butterflies in my stomach need something to calm them. As much as I don’t want to hurt this girl, I have to make this look realistic or it’s my ass with Everly.

Shado’s made you weak. This is a job. Period.

I approach the bar and sit down on the stool next to her.

“Well hey stranger.” I say, sweetly. “No swanky nightclub for you tonight?

She turns her head at the sound of my voice and her eyes light up. “Oh my God! You!”

I love seeing the twinkle in her eyes, but I can still sense sadness in them, even in her voice. I yearn to learn more about her and find out who hurt her.

Too bad I am about to break any trust this girl may have in me.

I look over at her swirling her straw in her drink, mindlessly.