Right as we approach the front doors, a man in a black and white suit opens the door from the inside and steps aside, letting us in. He bows his head at Shado and gives me a warm smile.

“Miles.” Shado nods back as he continues on inside the house.

The foyer looks like a complete one eighty to my father’s house or Society headquarters. Instead of the dark wood and victorian style, this home has white and beige marble floors, with beige walls and dark wall accents. It gives a much more modern, ivory tower, Batman feel.

Fitting for The Dragon.

We walk past the living room and round the corner to the kitchen when we hear a woman giggling. As they come into view, I can see the man whom I remember from that night in the alley as Drake, has her bent over the counter. She is gripping onto it for dear life while he slides his hand up her skirt.

Shado clears his throat. I look over at him and he is smirking.

Drake turns toward the sound of Shado’s voice, “Fuck. You got here quick,” he says as he pulls away from the woman and adjusts himself inside of his pants.

Smoothing her skirt, she walks over to me and holds out her hand, “Umm..Hi. I’m CiCi,” she says sheepishly. Her cheeks are bright red.

I reluctantly shake her hand as I see Drake walking up behind her. He also holds out his hand.

“Calista, I don’t think we were properly introduced the other night. I’m Drake Reign.”

I look at his hand then back at him, “I know you are going to wash your hands before you touch me.”

Shado tries to stifle a laugh but fails and ends up coughing. Turning around, I shoot him a glare.

“Ahh…right. My apologies.” Drake says, turning to walk back toward the sink.

After he washes his hands, he dries them off with a towel and tosses it on the sink. CiCi busies herself with stirring something in a pot on the stove.

Shado walks up behind me, “I figured it was time you met my friends.” He presses his lips to my hair. “And eat a home cooked meal versus Railcar Junction.” He chuckles.

“Yes! You two sit! I’ll make your plates.” CiCi says excitedly. “It’s not often we have company, aside from Shado occasionally. I hope chicken carbonara is okay.” She smiles sweetly at me.

“Yeah, we don’t get alot of home cooking at headquarters. It’s mostly a fend for yourself type set up,” I admit. I press my hand to my stomach as it growls.


Dinner is an uncomfortable silence, at least for me. Drake asks about the mission they were working on, and Shado fills him in on the details about Everly’s request regarding Quinn. How Everly is determined to not only help me take down my father, but also eliminate Allister from the playing field.

I can see how much Shado trusts Drake, and how close they are just by their banter and conversation. I am still struggling with Shado’s lies, so sitting here at a dinner table with the same man who wanted me dead all because my name is Silvestri is causing an internal struggle to boil within me.

Leaning back in my seat, I decide to learn more about him. “So, Drake, you picked up Vanguard when your father died fourteen years ago? Why not keep it under the family name?”

Setting his wine glass down, he smiles. “Before my father was overcome with greed and the need for power, he was a good man. My mother chose the name of the company before she died. ‘Vanguard’ means the soldiers who come first, the ones that are the front of the fighting force pressing onward. She always thought so highly of my father, that he would pioneer the way to success and help so many people. Her death changed him in ways I can’t explain.”

Taking a sip of the red wine, I mull over his answer for a moment.

Can I trust him?

Did he bring me here to play mind games?

He clears his throat before he speaks. “Calista, I wanted to formally apologize to you. I should have gathered better intel before assuming you were just as corrupt as your father.” Drake peers at me across the table. His deep voice is strong and unwavering, and his dark brown eyes could pierce right through me.

He seems genuine.

“Well, you weren’t completely off base. I was until he…” My voice trails off.

Drake props his chin onto his fists, resting his elbows on the table. “Shado didn’t tell me what happened, and it’s not my business, but if you two need help bringing him down, CiCi and I will be a part of your back up.”

“I appreciate that.” I say, sharply. I still don’t know if I can trust him. “But, I think we can handle it.”