Exactly what she needs. Something to hype her up.

Walking up to her, I place one hand on the bar and one on her back, “Babe. We got separated,” I say through gritted teeth.

The bartender looks at me and within an instant his entire demeanor changes.

Calista bats her eyelashes at me, and places her hand over mine, “Awww, suga. I couldn’t go too far.” Looking at the bartender, she says, “He needs a shot. Something strong.” She winks.

Leaning into her ear, I growl, “Do you want me to murder him or fuck you into oblivion tonight?”

She smiles at me, sucking her bottom lip between her teeth and grazing one hand across my chest. “Hmm…why not both? You know I love watching you ruthlessly kill someone for me.”

“Calista. You’re playing with the devil.”

Unfazed, she giggles, “And I love how uptight you get when it comes to me.”

The bartender slides her drink toward her, and places a chilled shot glass of clear liquid in front of me. Nodding respectfully, he walks away.

Calista turns towards me on the bar stool and as she does, her dress bunches up her thigh revealing a black strap with a buckle.

My eyes travel from the strap and realize that she also has more straps snugly wrapped around her breasts underneath the dress.

Fingering the soft black leather strap on her leg, I choke out, “I…um…need to see more of this.”

She smirks at me, “Later. You can unwrap me like a present.” She pauses mid sip, eying something across the bar. “Right now, I want her.”

Following her gaze, I notice Quinn sitting across the bar, mindlessly stirring a straw into her drink.

She looks like a fucking goddess.

Shifting next to Calista, she grins at me, “Patience, cowboy, I call dibs. I saw her first.”

“Calista, she is surrounded by her security detail. There’s no way you’ll get her alone.”

“Relaaax. I never said we were kidnapping her tonight. I told you, I want to play.” She grins, popping off the barstool.

Patting me on the cheek, she smiles, “Stay here and be a good boy.”

Before I can protest, she walks off, sauntering over to Quinn’s side of the bar. It takes all my resolve not to follow her as I see hundreds of hungry eyes staring at Calista as she walks through the crowd. It strokes my ego that she doesn’t acknowledge their attention, so I sit down on the bar stool, watching their interaction carefully.

Squeezing between the two security guards, Calista throws them a wink and flips the few strands of hair that are dangling over her shoulder. They easily melt under her stare, allowing her to pass by and claim the seat next to Quinn.

Once she is settled on the stool, the static in the ear piece fades, and I can see Quinn look up at Calista, surprised.

“You look like you could use some company.” I hear Calista croon sweetly.

“It’s been a rough night.” Quinn replies, quietly. Her voice is laced with a sadness I can’t place. Aside from being Allister’s daughter, she made a name for herself by becoming one of the most successful ballet performers in New York City. It was a surprise to everyone when she moved back down to Edinburgh with her father about a year ago.

“I mean you don’t have to talk about it with me, but you looked like you needed some cheering up.”

A loud sensual song begins booming through the speakers and Calista’s green eyes light up. “Come on!”

For the first time, I see Quinn’s beautiful smile flash across her lonely face, as if she needed someone to make her a priority tonight.

I see Calista’s hand fall below the bar top and grab Quinn’s. Her guards begin to look nervous as both girls jump off their stools and run toward the dance floor.

I can hear giggling in my ear piece as my eyes follow the girls to the middle of the floor.

The vibrations from the speakers are strong enough for me to feel through the legs of my bar stool. I drown out the rest of the crowd as my eyes are fixated on the two gorgeous women dancing closely together. Their eyes never leave the other. Calista puts her hand on Quinn’s lower back and pulls her closer as Quinn tilts her head back, smiling and laughing. The sound fills my ears and I find myself smiling like an idiot.