You’re safe. I promise. – I repeat in my head as though I am trying to convince myself of that. No one is safe until Enzo is gone for good.

As I am working to try to get the shackles free, I notice red and blue lights flashing out of the corner of my eye. Stepping outside of the crate, I see a police car pull up along with three ambulances. Exiting the cop car is Detective Carson; he is the designated police chief that aids the Edinburgh sector of The Society. As much as he could charge me with, he knows his life is more precious than giving me up to the precinct. Everly made sure of his cooperation.

He opens the trunk of his car and pulls out bolt cutters.

Smart fucker.

“Calista.” He nods smugly as he walks past me and Shado.

“Detective,” I acknowledge him. We don’t have the best past, with me dropping bodies for nine months, but in my defense I have taken a load off his plate, just not legally.

Shado walks in front of me and wraps his arms around my waist. Turning my head, I watch the women exit the crates hesitantly as if scared they’re still being led down a dark path. Detective Carson gently helps to load the women into the ambulances. My heart still aches for them, not knowing what they have been through at the hands of my father, but I know they’re getting the help they need.

Turning to face Shado, I ask, “Did you get the drugs to Maxwell?”

He nods, “The port loading master was Detective Carson’s newest undercover narcotics agent, Special Agent Hawthorne. Your father had no idea he was doing business with the cops.” He smirks. “The drugs are being transported by armored cars to the precinct to be placed in lock-up.”

Letting out a large sigh, I peer over at the ambulance as the last woman enters. Ironically, it’s the same woman who spoke to me. She returns my stare with gratefulness in her eyes and a soft smile on her lips, as if I am not the ruthless killer I train to be.

Cupping my face in his hands, he says softly. “We did it. Let’s go home.”

“The mission isn’t over Shado.” I shake my head against his grip, frustrated that I let my father get away.

“No it’s not, but we won the battle tonight. Let’s celebrate the small things, okay?” He’s trying to reassure me like we did something good, but why do I still feel overtaken with dread?

It’s because you know your father. He’s not done.

Trying to push the negative thought aside, I sigh into Shado’s hands. Exhaling, I step forward and let a sly smile play across my lips.

“You know what I could really go for?” I say, as I pull him even closer to me.

Shado moans satisfactorily when my breasts push up against him. He leans forward and brushes my cheek lightly with a soft kiss before whispering in my ear, “Hmmm what’s that, my bunny?”

Despite the shivers that erupt on my arms, I smirk at him, “A big ass bacon cheeseburger.”

Not even attempting to hide his surprise, he scoffs, “I could’ve sworn you were gonna say my dick.”

Releasing my face, he wraps one arm around my waist as we begin to walk toward where we stowed our bikes.

“Not gonna lie, I’m a little offended.” His laughter bellows out into the night, and I can feel the tension in my muscles melt away.

Chapter fifteen


Sitting on the floor of my safehouse, my back against the couch, Shado spreads out our take-out boxes from Railcar Junction. I get this overwhelming feeling of warmth that washes over my body. It’s just as terrifying as it is calming. I have never shared this house with anyone. It truly is my safe haven from the outside world, my protection. But with him sitting next to me, it feels like a home, and he has now become my protector.

Shado grabs the remote as he flashes a smile my way like he can read my thoughts. He clicks on the television and leans against the couch. He scrolls the channels, stopping on a news channel with the headline “Drug Heist take down by The Phoenix” with a sub headline: “The hero of Edinburgh or are they the new Huntress?”

Well, if there wasn’t a target on the back of my new identity, there is now.

Nice job, Detective Carson.

Sure, I may have done the citizens of Edinburgh a favor, but no one is ever comfortable with someone taking the law into their own hands and doing what I do. When this is over, I may just have to remind him to keep my name out of his press releases if he wants to keep breathing.

Ripping the remote out of Shado’s hands, I growl. “That fucker.”

I begin scrolling, looking for anything that doesn’t have me in the headlines. Luckily, my face wasn’t shown.