Pulling up to my Father’s estate, the outside of the property is eerily still. No one is outside, no cars are in the driveway. Chills run up my spine, as I start to regret coming by myself.
No. I did this for a whole year by myself without Shado. I don’t need him. Quit being distracted.
Hiding my bike behind the same two bushes, I make sure my quiver is strapped tightly to my back and pull my mask over my face. Crouching down, I slowly make my way to the back of his estate to access the back doors.
Noticing a camera mounted at the back door that wasn’t there last time, I pull an arrow and place it in the drawstring, aiming at the black box. Within seconds of release, the camera is disabled.
Putting my hand in my pocket, I notice the skeleton key is missing.
Anxiety washing over me, I begin to frantically look around.
“Looking for this?” A familiar voice causes chills to erupt on my skin as my heart lurches up in my throat.
Turning around, I come mask to face with the monster I call my father, holding up the silver key.
“I was wondering when you would come back.” He pauses. “The terror of the night that has been hunting down crime lords for the last year. I knew it was only a matter of time before you started targeting me.”
“I’m amazed, really. You single handedly took out my right hand man, Demassi, and now, Allister Craye has gone underground. You sure put a wrench in my plans, angel.”
“You’re good at covering up your tracks, but the last time you were here, you must have been distracted. You put the blueprints for the railways in the wrong drawer.”
Pressing the button on my chest to mask my voice, I say, “I will not let you turn this city into a cancer.”
Drawing my bow, I aim the arrow at my father’s chest, trembling.
He smirks, bringing his hand to his chin, “You know what’s funny? Only one person disagreed with my plans, and I killed her. The ironic thing is, we never found her body. Imagine my surprise, when you showed up targeting me.”
“Did you miss ol’ Daddio that much, my little phoenix?” He sneers, dropping the skeleton key, busting as it hits the ground.
My chest is heaving as the waves of nausea roll over me. Shaking, I lose my grip on the end of my arrow and it falls out of the drawstring.
He knows. He knows I am alive.
“Where did you go for the last year?” He looks me up and down. “Too scared to come back home, so you trained with…The Silent Guardians?
“I put everything together once you reappeared with a different M.O. My question now is, who are you working with? You aren’t benefiting the Guardians by trying to stop me, and my sources tell me they’ve released you.”
I feel my mouth drying out as he spills out everything about me.
I grip my chest and press my voice modulator. “You’re going to start a war. A war you will not win, Enzo.”
I don’t care if he knows it is me, I will not give him confirmation.
Quickly pulling another arrow, I aim it at his heart just as he smirks and draws his gun, aiming it at my face. We stand there in a thick, tense silence, waiting for the other to engage.
Being trained in the rules of engagement, I know one doesn’t fire until fired upon.
“No more ruining my plans. It’s time to get rid of you for good this time.”
Bracing myself for death, I shut my eyes as I hear the crack of the gun go off. Within seconds, I feel the force of something heavy dragging me to the ground. One more crack of the gun goes off and I hear a loud grunt. I open my eyes and I see Shado on top of me. He rolls onto his back, still laying on top of me, trying to shield me from my father’s assault, and fires off two shots in Enzo’s direction. Shado narrowly misses him and my father runs off to the safety of the bunker at the back of his property.
Instead of chasing him, Shado rolls off of me, lying on the ground motionless.
Looking down, I see blood staining my shirt.
Crawling over him, I call, “Shado! Please open your eyes.”