Page 19 of Curvy Nerdy Omega


“I’m scared,” I admitted. “I feel like I’m going into heat again.”

I rested my forehead against Cas’s chest and breathed in his sharp scent. I knew I shouldn’t, not when all it did was make the ache worse, but something about being able to smell it at all when he usually tucked it away with all his other secrets eased some of the tightness in my chest.

I’ve never felt this vulnerable or terrified in my life. Not even when Arturo had me pinned to the cold tile with a gun in my face. Back in that bathroom, I’d been able to fight back. But this? I had no idea how to fight against something I wanted so desperately.

We couldn’t keep doing this forever either. It wasn’t healthy or safe. We could end up in the hospital or worse – we could give in to those ravenous instincts that still dwelled in our brain from back when we were barely more than animals.

Cas slid his hand up and pressed my head into his chest harder, his massive hand cupping the entire back of my head. “We need to call Nathan. He’ll know what to do.”

“Shit.” Liam took a deep, shuddering breath and pressed his forehead to my shoulder. “My phone’s upstairs.”

The idea of him leaving had me hyperventilating and this time I couldn’t swallow down my small whimper.

Liam growled and I flinched when those addicting pheromones started roiling around me like he was angry. With me. My entire body froze as I tried to process the sudden shift in his emotion.

I felt paralyzed.

“Get a grip, Liam.” Cas stood and settled his hand on my chest – right over the spider lily I’d gotten when I was sixteen. “I need you both to calm down.”

“I am calm,” Liam gritted out. He grabbed Cas and dragged him closer. “You’re the one who’s angry, so you calm the fuck down.”

God, did Liam’s pheromones just get heavier?

Every inch of Liam’s body was primed for violence.

All I could smell were oranges, vanilla, and sandalwood. The scent of Cas’s apples, moss, and cedar was almost completely overpowered. This wasn’t something he wanted to do, but even still, the idea of watching him leave was making me irrational.

For some reason, I felt like I would never see him again if he walked up those stairs without me and it didn’t make any fucking sense.

They both breathed hard, inhaling the cacophony of our pheromones with each breath.

Liam was angry with me and I couldn’t move.

This was so, so bad.

“Don’t panic,” Liam growled against my hair. “I’m doing my fucking best not to lose my goddamn mind, but if you panic…”

“I’m trying…” Even knowing the dangerous line I walked, I couldn’t keep my mouth shut. “But what if you don’t come back?”

“He will,” Cas promised. His arm across my shoulders tightened and the pressure helped ease some of my panic.

“I’m sorry, Lucy, but I’m holding on by just a thread, okay? I need to clear my head a bit or I might just kill Cas because I don’t know how else to deal with your fear.” Liam pressed his cheek to mine so I could feel every sharp breath. “My instincts are demanding I protect you, and I can’t do shit about the reason you’re afraid. Do you understand?”

My heart lurched, but I did understand so I nodded like the good little omega I so desperately wanted to be.

“Nathan will know what to do,” Liam promised. “And Cas will find some emergency suppressants in the meantime. We’ll get you an appointment today, alright?”

It was the right thing to do, but I was pretty sure I would have fought him on it if my face wasn’t squashed against Cas’s bare chest. He smelled really fucking good too and that was also helping me not make a fool of myself right now.

“Don’t worry, we’ll go after him if he doesn’t come back fast enough.” Cas’s deep voice rumbled against my cheek, soothing me even more.

I held my breath as I waited for Liam to release me, but his fingers dug into my shoulders instead of letting go.

“I won’t let her disappear,” Cas promised. “We’ll get cleaned up in the guest bathroom while you go upstairs and call Nathan. Turn the air purifiers on to the highest setting. Open all the windows and take a shower in the second guest bathroom.”

Liam nodded and a small piece of me felt relieved to see I wasn’t the only one struggling with this.