Page 14 of Curvy Nerdy Omega

The sound of a slap registered before the sensation of it did.

My back arched in response as my mind went blank. Cas had slapped my fucking pussy, and it shocked every single fucking thought right out of my head.

Pain and pleasure burned through all my doubt and fear like a flame to a cobweb. My pheromones burst out of me like a bomb and the force of it left me breathless. The need I’d felt earlier burned away anything that was left, leaving me more desperate than I’ve ever been before.

“Stay here with me,” Cas growled. “Don’t you dare go anywhere.”

Hot tears trickled down the side of my face.

What he was doing to me…I couldn’t even remember how to speak.

All I knew how to do was need.



It was fucking pathetic how badly I needed him but I couldn’t be bothered to care, not when he stared at my pussy like he was starving.

Cas’s hand dipped down, spreading my slick everywhere. There was so much of it that it actually squelched and the sound was so loud I wanted to die of embarrassment.

“How am I supposed to pretend to be anything other than what I am anymore?” Liam asked, as if I had any idea what he was talking about. His deep voice was soft as he watched Cas, circling us like the predator he was. “You have me on edge constantly, Lucy. My instincts keep pushing me to do anything and everything I can for you. No matter what it takes.”

Liam came up behind me and crouched down just like he had when I’d woken up here. His arms wrapped around my shoulders and we watched as Cas licked my slick from his fingers with a feral gleam in his eyes.

“Nothing could have prepared me for how intense it was going to feel the moment I found you again.” Liam’s breath tickled the back of my neck and I gasped when he cupped my breasts, thumbs brushing my nipples over the fabric. “It’s taking every shred of humanity I have left to keep my teeth to myself when I want to bond you right fucking now.”

Cas chose that moment to lean in and press his tongue against me, just holding it there.

My back arched and any thought of getting Liam to clarify what he’d said vanished as I tried to push more of myself into his mouth.

I almost begged for him to stop being so fucking soft but Liam pressed a hand over my mouth, muffling the sound of my pleas. He pushed my head back into his shoulder and the sting from where I’d hit my head earlier jolted through me.

It throbbed with the same rhythm as my nipple when Liam pinched it hard enough the barbell created a sharp pain, but it still felt so fucking good all I could do was moan against his hand.

Then Cas slipped his tongue inside me, pressing deeper and I tried to reach up to touch his hair, but the sound of metal reminded me I was restrained in the basement where I’d found him torturing someone.

I looked down into those blue eyes and even when I remembered the way he’d threatened Arturo, I couldn’t be bothered to care.

Not when he was winding me up like this.

Torturing me.

“You make me feel so very reckless,” Liam whispered. His teeth scraped against my earlobe and I shivered at the dual sensations of him at my back and Cas between my thighs. “Do you have any idea how dangerous that is, Lucy?”

I did but I still wanted to see what it looked like when he lost control.

Maybe then it would finally sink in that he wasn’t just saying this because we happened to be biologically compatible.

Cas licked me long and slow, gathering up all my slick before flicking my clit. He looked up and undulated his tongue, showing me just how wet I was before swallowing it down with a very satisfied look on his face.

I wanted to scream at him for being so fucking pleased with himself but Liam pressed down harder on my mouth, muffling the sounds like this was a real interrogation.

“I’m a legacy alpha,” Liam reminded me. We both watched Cas lean down to lick secrets into my pussy that he’d never tell me, ignoring my clit completely. “Legacy alphas are known for being insanely possessive and controlling. I should be trying to kill one of you right now for enjoying each other without me, and yet…I can’t stop thinking about how good he looks on his knees for you. He’s never done that for me, Lucy.”

I whimpered at the sudden thought of what it might look like to watch one of them suck the other into their mouths, feasting the same way Cas was doing to me.

I needed more.