“And I’m an extremely clingy alpha,” he murmured, those dark red eyes full of so much hunger. “I need to see you looking at me – wanting me. The thought of being apart from you for even a second infuriates me. I won’t do it. So, the real question is, can you handle it when we give you everything you want – all that you’ve asked for and all that you couldn’t?”
The way he was looking at me right now was a warning. It didn’t matter if I could handle it or not because he was going to give it to me anyway. I believed with all my heart and soul Liam would give me everything he could and more, but…
“How is this even going to work?”
Liam’s arm flexed and he shifted his position until I was back in Cas’s lap. “I’m pretty smart, you know. And currently unemployed. I’m sure the Genesis agency would give me a job.”
Was he fucking serious? “But I already have a partner.”
“Then I’ll be your assistant.” Liam nipped my jaw, his grin so wide I could see just how sharp his teeth were. “Even if the only thing I can do is drive you around all day, I’ll do it.”
I really needed to stop being shocked when the crazy boy said crazy shit.
“Maybe I’ll just buy the agency so I can see you whenever I want.” Liam sank his teeth into my bottom lip and I turned toward him on instinct, needing to kiss him, but he pulled away before I could. “You know exactly what I am…what I’m capable of. You should understand by now, Lucy. I’ll do whatever you want me to because you’re my whole fucking world.”
Cas slid his arm around my waist and I leaned back against him, reaching back to hold onto his neck. I needed his comfort and security more than ever right now and even that was something Liam already knew or he wouldn’t have placed me in his arms twice now…
Even when he wanted me so desperately I knew without a doubt he would have killed us both if I’d tried to walk out of this room and leave him.
It was fucked up, but I understood why. Just the thought of him taking his mother’s offer to find another omega better suited to the Valor pack had me ready to rip his throat out if he so much as hinted he might take her up on it.
Liam knew what I needed, but… “What about Cas?”
I felt his lips against the back of my neck then and Cas let out a relieved sigh, but he didn’t say anything – waiting for Liam to explain like they’d planned for this.
“Well, Cas needs to be needed. Don’t you?” Those red eyes shifted to the alpha behind me when Cas let out a soft growl. “He may not be as desperate for your attention as I am, but don’t let yourself believe he’s not just as bad. He’ll always be watching and lurking, waiting for you to look for him – to trust him with all your problems. It's honestly the most endearing thing about him.”
Why did I believe this would work? Why did I trust them not to leave me when I needed them most? Even after everything…I didn’t doubt for a single second that either of them would rearrange their whole lives for me.
How could two alphas manage that? How did they circumvent everything I knew to be true to show me they could be different? They didn’t just tell me either, they showed me.
Maybe it was the gleam of insanity I could see in Liam’s eyes even now.
I turned my head and looked up at Cas, seeing the same gleam in his blue ones.
They were crazy, obsessive, needy, desperate…they loved the same way I did – viciously.
A fifteen-year-old promise one alpha spent every day trying to keep while the other did his very best to help him.
Cas may not have been there when we were kids, making memories with us, but he’d spent just as long looking for me as Liam had and it was so fucking romantic I couldn’t stand it.
Turning back to Liam, I decided the logistics didn’t matter anymore. I wanted them and their bonds. Our relationship was weird and fucked up but it was ours.
I loved them even when they pissed me off and I had no idea how I was supposed to live without them anymore. I didn’t think I could. If they got up right now and told me just kidding I’d paint this room red and drown us all in their blood.
Reaching for Liam, I saw my fingers trembling but he didn’t give me the time to freak out about that. He instantly moved forward and took my wrist, placing my hand against his cheek. His eyes were rimmed with unshed tears, making the red of his legacy genes shine even brighter.
It reminded me of that day we had to say goodbye so much I inhaled sharply, feeling the squeeze in my chest when it finally hit me. This was real.
“There’s no turning back,” I warned him. “You’re mine. In every way. Even your breath belongs to me.”
Tears spilled down Liam’s cheeks again, but he was grinning so wide I knew we’d never have to say goodbye again.
Leaning forward, I licked those tears from his cheek and relished in the taste of salt. “I need your teeth in me. Deeply.” I licked the other cheek and then took his face in my hands. “Slowly.”
Brushing my lips over his, I licked inside his mouth so he could taste the salt on my tongue. “Sink your teeth in so hard you can feel the violence in my bond mark.”
Liam held so still I didn’t think he was even breathing but I could hear his heart pounding harder—faster.