Page 18 of Curvy Nerdy Omega

I tasted blood as I bit into my cheek. It gushed into my mouth, reminding me of what it had felt like when I’d swallowed Cas down. His cum had tasted so fucking good I’d wanted more and more.

Now it was all I could think about.

A broken sob escaped me and I finally stopped fighting all the frustration and rage. If they wouldn’t let me out of these goddamn cuffs I was going to do it myself.

“Stop it Lucy, you’re going to hurt yourself!”

Just the sound of Cas’s voice was enough to make slick gush out of me with renewed vengeance and I screamed in frustration as I fought against the cuffs and this fucking chair.

It didn’t matter that I was in a murder basement or that I could smell blood under all the thick, delicious pheromones. I didn’t care that I was handcuffed to a metal chair or that these two alphas were giving me a thousand reasons to run far, far away.

I needed them.

My instincts were demanding that I do anything to have them fuck me again and I just didn’t understand why when I’d had just that for thirteen fucking days straight. Why was my body doing this to me?

“Why won’t it stop?” My cheeks burned as tears slid down them. Everything was unbearably hot and I was going to burn to ash if this shit didn’t stop. “What’s wrong with me?”

I looked up at Liam and silently pleaded with him to explain. He was the legacy alpha. Shouldn’t he know better than anyone?

“Lucy, baby…” I’ve never heard his voice sound like that before – like his heart was breaking. “I don’t know either.”

Fear rose up to choke me and I couldn’t breathe.

Something in me snapped and the burning sensation took over until it was more than just lust and need – it was rage. I burned with anger and fear as I fought against the cuffs and the metal. The skin on my wrists tore but it was nothing compared to the way my body burned.

The sound of their shouts was far away and I wasn’t sure if I’d broken free, or if one of them had uncuffed me, but either way I finally had my hands back.

Blue and red eyes shone against a sea of white and I slammed my fist into that pretty mouth that had only made the pain worse.

“Why won’t it stop?!” I tried to hit him again but this time my wrists were restrained by warmth instead of icy cold metal. “Why is it never enough?”

Warm arms wrapped around me and squeezed me so tight I couldn’t breathe. I thrashed and kicked against him but more warmth pressed to my back and locked me in, immobilizing me against the other alpha.

“Lucy, please.”

Digging my nails into Cas’s sides did nothing. He just squeezed me tighter – making my ribs creak with the strain.

Now apples and cedar were all I could smell – no hint of oranges at all and for some reason that made me…tired.

I stopped fighting them, too exhausted and worn out to do more than endure the relentless, aching need that kept shoving all thoughts of why to the side until the only thing I could focus on was easing this hunger.

The heat of them at my front and back wasn’t soothing at all. No, it felt like razor blades against my flesh.

I looked up at Cas and he stared back – neither of us blinking. In that moment, it felt as though he could feel exactly what I felt. He didn’t look half-mad with lust anymore either, but scared.

“Do you think…if it rained…you’d cry?” I don’t know why I asked him that, but I needed the answer more than I needed relief from this endless hunger.

“I’ve never cried, Lucy.” Cas bowed his head and his dark hair fell into his eyes. They were such a luminescent blue –a deep cobalt, so much darker than the bright blue sky. “But for you? Say the word and I’ll drown you in my tears.”

His words tasted like lies, but it was still comforting. Cas wasn’t perfect, and neither was I.

Closing my eyes, I tried to do those breathing exercises they’d taught us to help resist going into heat until we were somewhere safe, but it wasn’t working. “Something is wrong with me.”

Liam gripped Cas tight, crushing me between them like somehow that would fix everything.

But I was broken. Nothing could ease this pain and I wasn’t sure if they could survive another thirteen days.