“Come on.” Tyler softened his tone. “That only happens in the movies.”
Clark squinted at Tyler. “You have no idea who you’re messing with.”
“So, tell me.”
Clark rolled his gaze toward the cliff edge again.
“Clark, we know this device has something to do with Ziháo Chui.”
Muscles bulged along Clark’s jawline as he clenched his jaw.
“But Chui’s dead.” Tyler swung the beeping device back and forth across Clark’s eyes like it was a hypnotist’s device. “Who hired you to get this off us?”
The terror in Clark’s eyes intensified.
“Listen, if you help us, I’ll make sure your sentence is reduced.”
“It doesn’t matter. I’ll be dead before I get there.”
“So, tell me who’s behind this so we can stop him.” Tyler tilted his head. “Or her.”
The way he said her convinced me he knew the asshole behind this was a woman.
“I don’t know his name,” Clark said in a defeatist tone.
Tyler paused to take a mouthful of water. “When were you hired?”
Clark shrugged. “A few months ago.”
“After Chui died?”
“I guess so. I don’t know.”
“What did you have to do for him?”
Tyler rammed the butt of the gun into Clark’s knee.
Clark howled. “This was my first job. I just had to be on standby.”
“How did he contact you?”
“He rang me, but his voice was disguised.” Clark glared at Tyler. “Like they do in the movies.”
“How does he pay you?”
“Cash. He posts me cash. A thousand dollars every week.”
Tyler whistled. “That’s a lot of cash. What did you think you’d have to do?”
He shrugged. “I don’t know. Rough people up, spy on assholes. But I haven’t done anything.”
“Except try to kill us.” I picked up a rock and pegged it at him. It slammed into his tactical vest and fell between his legs.
Clark’s shoulders sagged. “I have a son.”
Tyler nodded and eased back so his butt was against the boulder. “Then let me help you.”