Page 58 of To Tame An Angel

My wings landed me neatly next to her, and we stared at one another as we embraced. There was such happiness that I wanted to dance, and I’d never danced in my life. Reaching up on her toes, she pecked my lips, and I leaned into her sweetness. Her hair whirled in the wind, covering her eyes and face. We chuckled as I pushed it back, just to stare at her once more.

“Let’s leave,” I whispered. “Tonight. Now. Let’s not look back and find somewhere else to live. Even if it’s at the ends of the world.”

She gently cupped my face and studied me, the pads of her thumb brushing against my beard. For a moment, I felt shy, as she was relentless in her perusal of my face. She smiled, pressing against my cheek.

“If you leave without me, I’ll never be able to enjoy your blushes,” she said and leaned into me.

The need to deny the blushing scorched my tongue, but it was true. I couldn’t pretend it wasn’t. It was like I mattered to her, as she lingered on me with appreciation. There was still a sense within me that I wasn’t special. No one worthy of admiration or love.

“So I’ll have to go with you,” she said calmly. “Just to see your face.”

A lightness entered me, flowing through my veins. I seized her and my wings lifted us into the air. I nearly gasped in relief, for I wouldn’t be alone. We would be together. We would find our peace and our way in the world, and nothing could stop us. Her with her magic. Me with my wings. We would be unstoppable.

Her fingers curled into my hair. “We’ll go back, pack what we can. We don’t know how long it’ll be until we find a safe place—”

“No, let’s go now. We need nothing.” I knew that wasn’t true. We needed weapons, food, proper clothing. She couldn’t trapeze through the forests in her nightgown and me in nothing but pants with no boots.

She gave me a knowing look, and I sighed, relenting. I nodded and held her tight, turning my wings back to her home one last time.



The night turned cold, soft winds brought in an unseasonal frigidity, and I was violently shivering by the time Tannor landed us back on my balcony. His skin also prickled with the chill and my mind was already ahead of itself, trying to think of what we needed to take for our journey.

“Let’s be quick,” I said and pulled him in.

But his head snapped up, and he caught my hand, yanking me to him as he cried my name. All I saw was a flash of rope that cut through the air before I could stop it. My body was shot into the room, making me crash against my table. For a moment, all went dark before I blinked up. A terrible noise of a struggle was ringing in my ears.

Tannor was dragged into the center of the room, trapped in a thick rope, handled by the Queen’s own angels. They were massive men, allowed to use their wings, but with a magical golden strap across their chest. Six of them yanked as Tannor buckled wildly, desperately trying to escape his binds.

I pushed myself off the ground–gasping and lifting my hand out to help Tannor, even if I had to zap all the energy from my body.

Tannor screamed, throwing himself around, destroying my room, splitting wood and crashing glass vases.

I screamed as I felt the heat of the magic spread from my heart to my hand when I was suddenly grabbed and yanked up. My chin was grasped, and I was pulled against a hard body. The smell hit me before recognition did.

“Mother!” I cried.

She dragged me closer to Tannor. “Number seventy-four.”

My mother’s voice was commanding. It held no room for questions. At the sound of his number, Tannor stilled, his chest heaving, his wings pushing against the rope which held him. He turned and stared at us. Stared at me in her arms.

I tried to dislodge my mother, but she held me with an iron grip.

Tannor’s blue eyes flickered in horror as mother gripped my chin. I scratched at her hand, but mother didn’t flinch or ease her hold.

“You wouldn’t hurt your own daughter,” Tannor hissed.

Mother’s jaw looked like it was carved from marble. “You dare address me, slave? You’re nothing but a cock for which to ride.”

I twisted as hard as I could, allowing the magic to split me from her and casting a sharp spell against her. Her arm brace blocked it, but her eyes were livid as I stumbled down to the ground, my knees buckling as I lost my strength in my attempt to get away.

Hands grabbed each of my hands and silver cuffs were slapped around my wrists. My hands dropped instantly, casting me helpless as I stared up at mother. She took a step toward me, then with a swift move, she smacked me with the back of her hand. Tannor, I assume, battled, because all I could hear was shouts and chains rattling. All I could see was darkness. I had to blink a few times before I could see anything. I stared at the floor of my room. Blood dribbled from my mouth.

“Bind him well,” mother said.

I pushed myself up in time to see Tannor pinned to the ground. His wings twisted as he grunted and buckled. The Queen’s guards swiftly slapped silver chains on him, capping his feet and hands and then finally his wings.