The way she spoke made me realize I enjoyed listening to her uncouth words. Her thumb circled the head of my cock.
“Imagine you’re inside of me,” she said in a husky voice.
I’m beyond imagining it. Within the confines of her grip, I am in her. She has me by the palm of her hand and I’ll let her lead me like a leash.
“None of the men who’ve ever been in me have ever felt like this,” she confessed.
I’m hit with the vision of another entering her and I’m filled with passionate rage. That I should feel possession over a woman who does the things she does, says the things she says, promises what she promises is madness.
I felt a tinge of soreness between my shoulder blades, like a needle scraping the skin.
I gasped and between the mingling of the sharp pain and the tugging of her hand, I went over the edge.
It happened quickly and without warning so that I’m nothing more than a buckling, spurting animal with no sense of time or place.
She also came, the slick circling of her own cunt, her loud moans that morph into a yell. She slumped forward, and I caught her, pulling her back into the bed with me.
Nalla became a warm blanket over me, her legs sliding over my hips, curling into me in a protective stance. She sighed deeply into my chest. I’m lethargic and content, delighting in the post pleasure haze and the soft warm burning of my ass. Her hands softly caress my body, and she cuddles in closer.
Slowly, I take her hand and bring it to my nose. I want to smell her. Her fingers are still moist with her juices. She watched as I slowly licked her clean, the taste of her a welcomed fare for my tongue.
Once I’m done, I look at her. Her eyes are soft but dark.
“Now you’re all clean,” I said.
With a smile and using my shoulder as a pillow, she fell asleep. At that moment, I had a sense of dread enter my stomach. I knew the laws. It was one thing for me to die, that was written long ago when the war came upon us. But they would kill her if they thought she cared, even a small amount, for me.
The feeling of someone smelling my hair woke me, but since I was warm and comfortable, I barely moved. It took a moment to realize I was draped over Tannor, sticky skin to sticky skin. Despite wishing for a bath, I was too content at this moment to move. He burrowed his nose deeper into my scalp and I smiled, sliding my hand across his expansive chest and pinching his nipple. He stiffened, caught doing something he didn’t want me to know.
My angel was determined to make me–and himself–believe this is not something he desired. But I’d been the one with the vantage point when he stuck his ass out towards me while I massaged his back. If his ass cheeks weren’t so thick, I would’ve gotten a peek at his hole, which would’ve been a nice reward.
He pulled back, and I could almost discern the grumble in his tone. When I turned to him, he was staring ahead with dark eyes and furrowed brows. Despite the shave they gave him before he was brought, a steady beard coats his chin. It’s thick with brown hairs scattered down his neck. He’s incredibly handsome. I daresay even better looking than Zaya’s first angel, known as Beast. As the eldest, she was determined to have the finest specimen the pit could offer, but I believe I took the bargain.
“Where is your head?” I asked, caressing his chest.
He licked his lips and glanced at me. “What did the general want?”
His question shocked me, and I stiffened. Tannor shouldn’t ask. He has no right to ask about the affairs of women. To even dare ask should earn him a beating. But something is changing. I’m petrified that if he doesn’t fully give himself to me, allow me to truly tame him, then they’ll take him and break him.
Harrowing visions of mother chaining him and using her arsenal of tactics until he’s nothing but a screaming madman passed through my thoughts. There would be nothing sexual about it, pleasure wouldn’t be in the equation. It would be torture and inevitable death, as they would pull his wings from his back and amputate them.
I curled my hands into his chest. To my surprise, he brought his hand over mine, warming my skin. It’s like we’re holding hands, and a fluttering feeling jumped in my stomach.
“She heard of your escape,” I confessed.
His jaw twitched. “You had to promise things, didn’t you?”
He turned to me with bright and clear blue eyes encased in long dark lashes. Tannor had learned to expect honesty from me, and the fact he expected it placed us both in danger.
“I did.” I nodded.
Tannor was quiet for a while, barely moving but for the rise and fall of his chest.
“You shouldn’t worry,” I finally said, pushing myself off him.