Angry at my reaction, I yanked the cork from the vial and gulped back the medicine. It was acrid and sour, but it effectively doused my erection. She looked pleased, then stood. I followed her figure as she moved to the door. Her body was soft and deadly, but it looked wonderful and feminine in her near-translucent gown. I had to look away in case my cock decided to react on its own again.
Lunch was brought, with a few trays laden with fruits, meats, and salads, and the servants left us. It was not lost on me that all the servants were male with wing-belts secured across their chest. I had a sinking feeling that they, much like me, once were chosen but were no longer of use.
“Your servants,” I couldn’t help but mention.
Nalla paused as she poured her wine. “Yes. They were once my mother’s.”
She said it without shame.
I smiled harshly. “Perhaps one day I’ll also serve you wine while you dot on your newest pet.”
Meeting my eyes, she lifted her chin. “I’m not my mother.”
“Not yet,” I sneered.
A force so hard hit me and pushed me back against the pillows. I couldn’t move. Slowly, she stood and calmly walked to me. Her eyes flickered into golden. The feeling of being pinned and at her mercy aroused me so much that I almost moaned.
Her hand gripped my face, and she was so close I was nearly panting. It was as if she were the wind and the sky and everything that made the world.
“You like to misbehave, don’t you? I’m counting the times. Enjoy your two days off because once you’re well and healed, I’ll make you pay for each of your little statements. Judging by your hard cock last night, I’m thinking you’ll enjoy it very much.”
My cock was at full attention at her words.
She caressed my face while still pining me down. “This is something they don’t teach you in the pits. Along with magic, I can smell your arousal, number seventy-four. I know exactly how my words have affected you. You felt them in your dreams.”
She paused and sniffed. A slow smile came to her face, and she met my eyes.
Heat rose to my cheeks at her discovery, and her eyes slid to my mouth. I gasped, without meaning to, and lifted my chin, desperate for a kiss. Desperate to taste her in her angry glory. Slowly, she moved her hand to my mouth, grasping my lower lip in a pinch.
“You’re sweet when you blush,” she said.
The words of denial scorched my throat, but she pulled back and left. Left the room, leaving me alone with a raging erection that could only be sated by thinking of what she would do to me.
In her warm bed, I dreamed of her holding me down while she rode my cock, my fingers digging into the soft flesh of her waist, of watching her breast bounce over my face, too far to taste but a spectacle to behold. Of my face between her legs, tasting each bit of sweetness from her cunt as she yanked my hair in painful tugs. And when I dreamed of her entering me with a phallus, splitting me in half as she grasped my cock as she thrust.
I spurted so fast and hard; I arched off the bed.
I spent the next hour pleasuring myself, living with the musky smell of wood and citrus he exuded. Despite cuming, I was severely unfulfilled, and I angered at myself. Yes, his feet were incapacitated, but his cock wasn’t. Mother would’ve enjoyed herself and not succumbed to guest quarters to find release. My ire was irrational, and I had to leave for a ride, to feel the wind on my face, and calm my senses. But I couldn’t leave him alone for long.
He wasn’t going anywhere in his condition, even so, he’d not earned the right for alone time. By the time I returned home, I was sweaty but calm. Opting for a quick bath to wash the grime from my skin, I dressed in another pale gossamer gown. One that, if soaked with water, turned translucent. It’ll be perfect for tonight. Instructing the servants to bring warm water to the room, I made my way back to him.
When I reentered the room, the smell of wood and citrus was so sharp I paused. I stared at him; he was where I left him, but he was fast asleep. His chest rose and fell, his muscles relaxed, and his mouth parted. His hair fell over his face, and I studied him. The night before I’d been worried, now I wasn’t. Now I know he was all bark and no bite.
He was incredibly handsome, thick and corded from his neck to his feet. Dark hair spread slightly over his chest and forearms. His hands are wide and long. If he wanted to, he could grasp my neck and twist it before I could conjure my magic. His face was freed from all the tension he carried, his brows were thick and his lashes long. He was still grimy and dirty, which is why this idea was perfect.
When the servants entered with a large pitcher of hot water, he was startled. Panic was in his eyes, and I moved to his eyesight.
“You wake sharply,” I said.
The servants set down the water and wordlessly left.
He breathed thickly and ran a hand over his sleepy face. “In the pits you have to.”