“Hey,” Jude exclaims. “Eoghan doesn’t win every game.”
The women share a laugh at Jude’s expense before we’re shown to our rooms.
“We don’t usually stay here,” Lucy explains as we walk down the hallway. “But with the idea of Carlo being so close, Ozzy called everyone in. At least until we find out if he’s really at your old lake house.” She looks at Giada. “I know a little something about fucked-up families.”
“I’m sorry,” my wife says, giving Lucy a small smile. “I hope they got what they deserved.”
The tilt of Lucy’s lips makes me a little nervous if I’m being honest. “They definitely did. Oh, hey, Cece,” she says, turning her attention to the tall, willowy blonde woman stepping out from the door we’re in front of. “This is Finn, Luca, Giada and Alessia.”
Cece smiles and says a quiet hello before scurrying off. Lucy looks after her as she rounds the corner. “That’s my sister. She’s still a little skittish around people she doesn’t know. You’re most likely only going to see her if you go in the kitchen. Baking is her happy place. Especially around all these assholes,” she says loudly, and I turn to see Jude walking up to her.
“Were you talking about me again, Lucifer?”
Lucy rolls her eyes. “How come every time I refer to someone as an asshole, you assume I’m talking about you?”
“Because you usually are,” he replies, giving her a smacking kiss on the cheek before turning his attention to me and Finn. “Once you get settled, come outside. We have a car that will blend in a little better around here for you to take to the lake.”
Finn and Alessia head into the room next to ours to change and get ready to go before I shut the door to mine and Giada’s room.
“You okay?” I ask as she unzips her bag and pulls out a sweatshirt and a hat. When we decided to go on this little hunt for Carlo, we knew we needed to try to disguise ourselves the best we could without looking like we were trying too hard.
Giada removes the sweater she’s wearing, and I catch sight of her bullet wound. Every time I see it, that rage bubbles back to the surface. That motherfucker needs to die.
“A little overwhelmed, honestly. Being back here, well, in Shine, I’ve never been to an MC clubhouse before. I don’t know; it’s bringing up a lot of old memories I haven’t thought of in years.”
“Like what?” I ask as she slips into the hoodie and twists her hair up to put under the cap.
“My mom being happy. Of feeling like we didn’t have to walk on eggshells like we did at our house. Of Marco here with her. It’s like this town has unlocked so many good memories, but they’re all tainted with everything I know now.” She shrugs. “It’s just a lot right now.”
I pull her into my arms and tip the bill of the hat up so I can kiss her mouth. “There’s nothing I can say except it’ll take time to come to terms with everything. But know your mom loved you and wanted you to be happy. That’s all I want, too.”
She gives me a shaky smile and blows out a long breath. “Let’s get going.”
The drive to the lake is quiet as Giada looks out the window like she did when we drove through town. She made this drive with her mother and brother countless times, probably excited for a vacation. Now she’s here to see if the boy who grew up to be an evil psychopath is hiding in the house that held so many happy memories for her.
When we pull off the highway into the neighborhood with several large houses dotting the lake, my nerves ratchet up about a thousand notches.
“If there’s even a hint that he spots us, call Ozzy and have him haul ass here. I don’t want this fucker getting away again,” I tell my cousin, who’s driving the midrange SUV owned by one of the club’s friends. Definitely a smart move to have us bring this out instead of the luxury sedan that Finn drives. “And no matter what, you stay in the car. You're only here to point out the house,” I tell my wife.
“We’re armed to the teeth,” Finn tells me. “Including Alessia.”
Though this is a simple recon mission, Finn’s made sure to come prepared on the off chance something happens. Neither of us are willing to be caught unaware when we’re carrying precious cargo with us.
“Go down to the houses right along the shore. I remember being able to walk out the back door and having a dock in our backyard.”
Finn does as instructed and we drive around the lake, not too slowly, so it doesn’t appear like we’re looking for something.
When we get to the other side, Giada gasps. “That’s it,” she says, trying not to crane her neck at the house on her right. “And there’s a light on downstairs.”
Finn passes the house without slowing and takes a left to get back to the highway.
“He’s there,” Giada says. “It has to be him, right?”
“I saw the street address. I’ll have Cillian check the property records and see who owns it.”
“It’s him,” Giada whispers and stares out the window as we head back to the clubhouse.
Three hours later, Cillian and Eoghan walk in with duffel bags in each of their hands.