Page 51 of Luca

“No, I want to hear.” My gaze turns to Luca. “I understand what you’re saying, Luca. Yes, anything having to do with my brother is dangerous. But that’s because my brother is dangerous. Look what he tried to do to Alessia. Look what he tried to do to me. Hell, look what he’s been doing with other women. I hold no loyalty to him.”

When I made Luca promise he wouldn’t use me, it was under the assumption that it was the only reason he was marrying me. That once he’d accomplished whatever plan he was concocting with the Monaghans, he would throw me away like some useless thing he no longer needed or had an interest in. Yesterday, especially last night, showed me something else. Maybe I’m just seeing what I want and have dreamed of since I was younger. Someone who cared about me for me and not the advantages I can offer them. Someone who’s more interested in protecting me than feeding me to the wolves for their own benefit. My long-buried feelings for Luca may make me naive to have me wishing with everything in me that person’s him. But seeing the way he took care of me yesterday and the way he’s willing to stand up to his cousin in my defense makes me believe he’s that man for me, at least for now.

“I was thinking you could call him and set up a meeting. Tell him you made a mistake in trusting Luca, that you were just scared. You want to come home, and you’re ready to sign a marriage contract because you’re loyal to your family.”

“That plan has more holes in it than Swiss cheese,” Alessia comments, rolling her eyes.

“To you, yes,” Finn says, turning to his wife. “But Carlo is running scared and desperate. Trying to take you is proof he isn’t thinking clearly and is basically throwing spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks. Plus, he doesn’t think things through like you and me. That’s something his capos have been complaining about for years.”

Luca nods in confirmation. “That’s true. They’ve always thought he was more of a liability than a leader.”

“Exactly. That’s why he’s desperate. He isn’t getting the support he needs within his own organization. I always knew the Cataldi family would crumble with Francesco gone. Now, with Giada gone, he has nowhere to turn. It sounded like the deal with the Russians was contingent on her marriage to Nikolai. With her out of the picture, he doesn’t have anything,” Finn says.

“Right. Which is why I say we wait for him to poke his head out then go after him with everything we have,” Luca argues.

“That could take months, and who knows who he tries to work with or what he offers them in the meantime. Carlo is out for blood. It needs to be handled right away.” Finn is trying to get Luca to see his point, but he continues to shake his head in disagreement.

“Finn’s right, Luca. Carlo won’t stop.” I turn back to Finn. “But I don’t know that he’d be willing to meet with me. Carlo doesn’t find women particularly useful, even if he thinks trading me to the Russians is going to work in his favor. Especially now that I’m missing. Plus, I’m not entirely sure my father’s capos won’t work with him again. If he can guarantee that following him will make them money, there’s definitely a few who will be more than willing to go along with him until they can get rid of him themselves.” I take a deep breath. “I’ll do whatever you need.”

“I’m not risking your safety,” Luca says firmly.

“And I’m not asking for your permission. I need this over as much as you do, Luca.”

I notice a small smile on Alessia’s face, but she smothers it before Luca can notice.

Finn is silent for a few moments. “So we need to make sure the other Cataldi capos know what working with Carlo will bring them. I’ll reach out and set up a meeting. Luca, you’ll come with me. We’ll make it clear that working with Carlo means death for them, and Giada is now your wife, which means she’s under our protection. I’ll let them know we’ll go to war with anyone who supports Carlo from this day forward.”

“There’s still the Russian problem,” Alessia points out.

“One thing at a time, wife,” Finn says. “Giada is safe from the Russians for the time being since she’s married to Luca. Their beef over Carlo not being able to hold up his end of the bargain is with him.”

“One can hope,” Alessia mumbles.

After lunch, Finn and Alessia head back to their house since they have to work at the casino tonight. It’s still a little surprising to me that Finn allows her to work in his casino, but it’s just another testament to how different the Monaghans are compared to every other organization I’ve ever seen.

“I don’t like that you’re so willing to put yourself in harm’s way for Finn,” Luca says while we’re washing the dishes from lunch.

“Seriously?” I ask irritably. “We’ve been over this. Carlo isn’t going to stop until he gets what he wants and that’s the Monaghans cut off at the knees. He already tried when he tried to take Alessia. I refuse to look over my shoulder at every turn. None of us will have any peace until Carlo is gone.”

“It’s dangerous. I hate the idea of you being used as bait. There are a million things that can go wrong between now and when we finally have Carlo. Don’t you see? I’m trying to protect you. Finn’s plan is half-baked at best, just like Alessia said.”

“Then come up with a better one. Try going to the capos. Hell, try whatever you want, but if it fails, we’re going to try it Finn’s way. There isn’t another choice.”

“There’s always another choice, Giada,” Luca says, his irritation matching mine. “I’m willing to do just about anything to keep you safe. Even if it means from my cousin.”

“I know, I know,” I mock. “It’s your job.” I scrub the bowl I’m holding that much harder. “In case you haven’t noticed, Luca, you aren’t my bodyguard anymore.”

Luca sets the plate he was drying down and turns to me, leaning his hip against the counter with his arms crossed over his broad chest. Damn, have his arms always been that big? Knock it off, Giada. He’s being insufferable and that does not turn you on.

“It’s been more than just because it’s my job for a long while. Honestly, since you came back from Italy with a tan and an attitude. I never allowed myself to see you as more than Carlo’s little sister or Francesco’s daughter. I knew what would happen if Carlo or your father thought I was going to make a play for you. But when I saw you walking down the stairs, so sure of yourself, ready to put me in my place.” He quirks his brow and gives me a look that says he knew exactly what I was doing that night. “There was this challenge in you to make me see you as more than that. As the women you’d grown into while I was away. And I saw it, Giada. God, it was so hard watching you give that asshole attention, knowing what a piece of shit he was. But I couldn’t claim to be any better. I had to play my part. It was the first time I wanted to say fuck it and prove to you I’m not the man I made you believe I was.” Luca pauses and takes a deep breath, collecting his thoughts. “You have no idea how hard I had to work after that to keep myself in line. But I couldn’t dare show my cards. If I had, it meant I would’ve had to leave you alone in that house with no one looking out for you, and I wasn’t willing to risk it. Just like I’m not now. Which is what pisses me the hell off. You’re too damn willing to run headfirst into danger.”

“No. I’m willing to do what it takes to finish this. Are you?” The challenge is clear in my voice. “The time for sitting back and waiting for something to fall into our laps is over. If we don’t do what needs to be done now, Carlo is going to get away with everything. I refuse to let that happen just because you have reservations.”

“God, you’re so fucking stubborn,” he says, the volume of his voice increasing with every word.

“Yes. I am,” I yell back. “You should know that by now. You should also know you can’t protect me forever.”

“The hell I can’t. You’re my wife.”