Page 75 of Finn

“I already told you, you never have to thank me. I’ll give you everything.”

I feel her smile against my chest. “I love you,” she whispers.

“I love you too, wife.”

Fuck, I like the sound of that.

The phone vibrating on my nightstand wakes me from a restless sleep.

“Hello?” I keep my voice soft so I don’t wake Alessia, who is still tucked into my side.

“We found Orlando,” Cillian says into the phone. “He’s got a girl in Springfield. One of our guys has been watching her place since yesterday after the shooting, and he just saw him run inside her building.”

“Is Cataldi with him?”

Fuck, it would be nice to kill two birds with one stone.

“He didn’t see Carlo. Do you want to hold off until they’re together? I could keep Sean on him and see if he leads us to him.”

Now that we know those two are working together, they’re bound to meet up at some point. I could wait it out and get them at the same time, but who knows when that will happen? I look at my sleeping wife and imagine the fear she must have felt when she saw his face on that camera, knowing he was only a few inches from her as her bodyguard lay in a pool of his own blood. I’m not willing to ever give him the chance to get that close to her again. It may drive Cataldi further underground, but knowing him, he won’t stay there for long. Orlando is my priority, and his life ends tonight.

“I want him tonight,” I tell my lieutenant.

“I’ll get everything together. Who do you want?”

“You and Eoghan.”

“I’ll make the call. We’ll meet you at the penthouse.”

We hang up and I know my brother will be fucking thrilled to take care of this with me. Even though he’s happy running the bars and the fights, when it comes to shit like this, he’s always ready to go. And there’s no one else I trust to have my back more than Eoghan and Cillian.

Rising from the bed, my gaze sweeps over Alessia’s sleeping face. I fucking hate to leave her, but this can’t wait. She’s safer here than anywhere else in the city, but that doesn’t make me any less nervous. Last time I went after one of our enemies, they almost got to her. I can’t allow myself to think about the what-ifs, or I’ll barricade us both in this penthouse and never leave. There’s no room for that kind of fear in this life. It’s stand up and fight or roll over and die, and I’ve never been the type to back down. But I’d be lying if it didn’t feel different leaving my wife this time. Unfortunately for that piece-of-shit Orlando, I don’t let my fear dictate my actions, and I’ll be damned if he gets away with the terror he’s caused her.

Walking to my dresser, I pull out some clothes and put on a pair of jeans and a long-sleeved T-shirt before grabbing my boots and heading down the stairs.

There’s just one call I want to make before waking Alessia to tell her what’s going on.

“Yeah?” Ozzy answers sleepily. I hear a feminine voice in the background asking who’s on the phone. “It’s Finn. Go back to sleep, pretty girl,” he answers before the sounds of him getting out of bed come through the line.

“What’s up?” he asks.

“Some shit went down with my wife tonight.”

“She okay?”

“Yeah, but her bodyguard took a couple shots. We’re going after the motherfucker now.”

“You need backup?”

“No, but I appreciate the offer. It’s Orlando Farina. He’s been working with Carlo.”

A hiss sounds through the phone. “We knew someone must have been helping him.”

“We think Farina has been helping him hide out. Carlo has been spotted a few times around Boston, but we never get there in time. They attacked my house and tried to take Alessia. I’m pretty sure Carlo was one of the men there.”

“Makes sense. Carlo enjoys having a front-row seat. Your wife didn’t get a good look?”

“No, they were wearing masks, but she thinks she recognized his voice.”